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He came home


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YAY !! Our little came guy home today. I called her this morning and she let him come home this afternoon.


We were an hour late picking him up due to unforseen busy monday at the store. We got him home at 5:30ish. When we took him out of his cat-carrier he was soooooo happy. Gave him some time in his new cage by himself and he drank right away and got some dinner in him.


Then we had 30 mins of out playing on the couch. He just loves playing with a few little toys and some paypa.


He is so happy. Now he is crashed perched on the rope by his water dish.


I will post pics tommorow.


Oh I forgot...we nammed him Rexxy after that little dinosaur from PBS show Calliou.<br><br>Post edited by: SweetFX, at: 2008/07/29 07:02

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im happy for you its an exciting time and im soo suprised they are right it was very well socialized they say the first day to just let them chill in the cage etc. for him to have eaten and be playful you have a great start

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