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trouble with Rio


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I just got Rio last night and we're already facing a few issues. I hoping I can get some words of wisdom here from all you wonderful fellow bird lovers. :)


The vet found an infection in Rio when she did a mouth swab and so twice a day I have to catch Rio in a towel. hold her still, and give her the meds. She HATES this. this makes gaining her love and trust almost impossible. she already doesn't know me or trust me but this giving her these meds this way makes everything sooo much more difficult. is there another way of giving the birds meds? that maybe wouldn't make her so angry


and so now when ever I go near her cage she starts throwing her hanging toys around with an pretty angry maner. she won't step up or have anything to do with me unless I come bringing food. I've been letting her eat fruit that I eat with my lunch. today was watermellon. and if I open the door she'll hang outside the cage just to get some.


so I've tried just giving her fruit by hand and sitting next to her cage talking to her but I'm not sure what else I can do to gain her trust.


thanks for listening!

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This is a pretty tricky situation - you seem to be doing great in that you are able to get her to take her medication that way, when Zahzu has had to have antibiotics in the past, it's been the type that goes into her drinking water. Is it possible to mix the medicine in with some baby food (eg. carrots/sweet potato/ apple sauce) and feed it to her with a spoon? I'm sure he'll love the attention, and it'll go down better!


Also, if you sign up for Flock Talk on the World Parrot Trust website, they have a great article this month on teaching your baby to turn around - will be wonderful bonding time for you with Rio.

http://www.parrots.org/ is their website.

Hope this helps!


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yea the situation is pretty tricky. and I'm glad she takes it but she's so angry with me after I give it to her. and she bites and yells when I try to catch her with the towel...which I have to do because she won't step up for me, because she doesn't know me! :\


the baby food idea might work. the meds are liquid ish...kind of thick just like normal cough medicine.. I may try that tonight. I'm just worried I'lll never gain her love and trust if we start our relationship off of fear. which she has from the towel and meds.


thanks for the advice! I'm grateful for anything that might help my baby and I have a better time with this. :)

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I would try the food thing. I would actually make a sweet potato like a baked potato in the microwave, put some applesauce and cinnamon sugar in it, mash it all together. You might have to make it sweeter to cover the medicine taste. Serve it warm and see if she will just eat it off the spoon. Unfortuntely, you will only be able to do a little mash for the medicine so the medicine taste might come through. But give it a go. My birds love a hot mushy meal each evening and sweet potato is a favorite and its good for them.

Good luck...sorry you are having to go through this.

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You could try making a little oatmeal in the microwave and adding the meds to it and feed by spoon. I give mjy grey some every morning and she loves it, if I ever have to give her meds thats the way I will give it too her.


I wouldn't worry right now about the bonding with you, you have plenty of time to gain that later, might take longer since you had to start off on the wrong foot so to speak but it will happen, just remember it takes time and much patience.

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OK, don't think I'm nuts. I read this in one of my parrot books. After you take the towel off Rio let her see you beat up the towel. Kick it around, say 'bad towel' in a deep, sad/mad voice, leave it in a corner, cover it up. Then turn back to Rio being all lovey and happy, celebrating, like you just won the battle over her mortal enemy. They have a similar psychology as a young child, so you're trying to get her to associate or direct her anger at an object, instead of at the person holding the object. You might feel a little foolish, but if it helps . . .:P

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wow im sorry you have to go through that it must be tough. Just remember your doing this for her best. Its true you'll have time to gain it back in time. When i had to hold my alexandrine down for groomingthe first time he hated me for a week. They arent the cuddliest birds already and they can bite hard. But giving him words of encouragement and treats after cant hurt.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This reply may be a bit late but try the towel game. That is place a towel on your knee ot floor. Let Rio sit on the towel and eat treats off it. Gradually after time gently fold the towel over her stage by stage little by little over time untill she will alow you tohold her in the towel. Maynot work for her at the moment but will be invaluable for any future vet visit.The aim is to get her to trust the towel. I read this in Sally Blanchards happy bappy parrot book.

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