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Grey recomended for me?


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I been thinking to get a grey or a amazon for several years. I been reading and talking to alot of people. But I would like to have you guys oppinion. Im singel and live alone. I work from 6.00am to 14.20pm. Besides that Im home all days. Will a grey manage by itself while Im at work if I provide it with toys and radio for ex??? The reason I ask is coz I dont want the bird just for ny "entertainment". I want it to be happy and have a healthy life. Im sure you get my point! The people I talked to so far both say yes and no. Most acctually said yes but I must admit Im a bit sceptic still so therefore I want more peoples oppinions. Hope to hear from all of you soon!


Kind regrads,


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I hope to buy my TAG today. This will be my first Grey but I did have a Quaker at one time for a year. That bird flew out of the house when I was cleaning the cage, so lesson learned, keep wings clipped.


Since I don't have any real experience with a Grey, I can't say to much, however, for someone to say that you can only have a bird in the home; where you are there 24/7 is hard to believe. That would mean you have to quit your job and become a stay at home Aviest? I don't think so. Someone with very long and unpredictable hours, or even travels, then yes it would be hard for the bird.

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Tricker 66 hi and welcome to this forum ;)


I don't think that leaving a bird alone at home from 6 till half past 2 is such a long time. Especially since you write that you're home from that time onwards anyway.


My opinion is that your conditions are certainly suitable for getting yourself one of those wonderful birds ;)

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No one is home all the time to care for their birds. As long as he has stimulating toys and foods that take time to eat and maybe the tv on children's programing, he will be fine. I leave my birds 6 hours a day sometimes longer 4 days a week. they are quite fine. They are out the rest of the time as yours would be. Go grey. I have greys and amazons and although the amazons are sweethearts they are not as personable as greys in my humble opinion, going by my own birds.Sometimes greys are a bit skitish...one of mine is..so if you were planning on taking your bird with you places, perhaps an amazon would be better for you. another bird to chech out is the conure. I have 3 blue crowns (like the one in the movie Paulie)and they are awesome! Very very friendly, talk love to be with you. love their baths and toys. One of mine sits on my shoulder while I do my gardening in the summer shouting hello to everyone that goes by. If I could only have one bird, it would be a conure. that said, I love my greys too. My greys have an amazing vocabulary. Very smart, with cognitive abilities as I'm sure you know. good luck with your choice.

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Thanks alot for your replys. I truly apreciate them. Its a diffucult choise I have to make! haha but a pleasant one. I was talking to a person who is said to know alot of these birds and this person said my working times are a problem sins a bird needs atleast 10 hours uninterupted sleep a day. When I think about this I must say that I dont really buy it. The reason is that these birds does have enemies in wild life, predators that hunt them. So will a wild bird ever get 10 hours a sleep? I dont think so. What do you guys say? When it comes to amazon's, there are many differetn and I wonder if you guys can give me a short introdution to some of them. Do the "personality" differs much? Im most interestead n the double yellow head tho sins I find it so beutiful. Once again I thank you for you help.



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I'm sorry Jimmy but all I can find on this sleep"thing" for African Greys is that they need 10 hours of sleep as well, although your explanation why they don't seems perfectly logical to me. Maybe they just don't sleep that 'deep'?

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Guest Monique

I would not be concerned about your schedule - that is not an issue. We've had birds for a LONG time working 8 - 5 and it's been fine!!


The main difference between an Amazon and a Grey is that an Amazon is MUCH more outgoing, and much more aggressive. You need to have confidence and that "aura" about you that you are in charge. You need this to some degree with any bird - but with an Amazon it is absolutely vital. An Amazon is also much more likely to "perform" for you in front of other people and be more of a "character".


I, myself, prefer Greys. I am too much of a pushover and if I had an Amazon he'd be wearing the pants in our family :). Greys are more known for feather plucking than Amazons so that is one down-side.


Good luck in your decision. Do LOTS of research to decide which one you want!!!

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I think it would be a nice addition to your home as long as when you are there you are giving him or her lot's of attention and having a radio is a very good idea.. But instead think about recording your voice so you could play that when you leave. I did that everytime I went to the store for 20 minutes .. For the first week and well it didn't do much because i'm always here with him anyways. But if he's sitting with my dad or something like that and hears me he automatically trys to follow my voice to me. So voice is a good attachment technique.

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Monique, welcome to the forum :)


That's a great input. And, although I was not the one requesting this information, I'd like to thank you for this 'insight' betweent the two - African Greys and Amazones B)

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Hi guys!


I want to thank you all for all your help! This day have been awesome for me! I got notice I can get a Timneh jako at the end of April plus I could buy a really nice cage (BIG ONE!!!)Brand new! Its normally priced at $1000 for $640!!! Guess if Im excited! LOL Well... I guess the shoise between Grey and Amazon is made... FINALLY! Once again, thank you all!



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