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Double trouble?


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I think we've decided we want to get a second Grey, for a couple of reasons.


1, it's kind of annoying for us to compete for refunds time and attention not to mention he seems to have bonded to Meg and not me! I don't know if this has anything to do with the first owners husband hitting him, although I think he may have a deep rooted mistrust of men, he always seems to peep and make noises to any women who come to see him but not too interested in men.


2. with both of us at work all day we think it'd be nice for Refund to have someone else in the same room with him.


3. We met the most wonderful Grey yesterday :) her name is Joey and she used to be refunds mate, we got her out of the bird room into a bathroom where we could sit with her and she came right over to us and would step up and step down. She also didn't mind us petting her on the head.


Joey also seems to have little to no behavioral problems like we're working through with refund. Also she seemed to like me better than Meg :laugh:


4. We want another bird in our life.


5. We want another bird in our life. :woohoo:


Sooo the question is, would Joey and Refund be ok in the same room if they'd been paired for so long ~10years, they would be kept in separate cages and have individual out of cage time(at least to start) I also think I would keep Joey in a separate room for at least a few weeks.


Questions? Comments? Concerns?


P.S. we have a sample of Harrisons coming for refund to try, if he likes it we'll be switching to that. :)


Thanks all!



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if refund is already been paired with josey I don't see a problem I'm sure they would love to have out of cage time together My amazon and Grey are in the same room and have out of cage time all day long together without any problems they are friends sort of Tyco gets a little possesive of her toys but Fergie thinks its all a joke they don't fight physicly Tyco just puffs up to look big and yells at her it very funny. having 2 birds can be alot of fun but just always make sure that you feed and do everything with your first bird before your second bird so they always know they their place other wise you may have jealousy problems. I had Fergie for years before I got Tyco but there has never been a problem I feed her first open her cage first pet her first. she know I love her first and she will always be number 1 bird

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