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as you know i'v had monty home just a little over 2 weeks now and he is doing absolutly brilliant:) i just thought i'd ask every one about chains, the sort you get on toys like my pic. i have lots of toys with these chains on and they are all ment for african greys bought from 24parrot.com , and not cheap either i might add :unsure: but in the 2 weeks ive had monty he has cought his toe in them 3 times and id hate to think what would have happened if i'd not been there to free him, he screamed his little head off and im now so worried at leavning him in his cage with these toys when i go to work that i have coverd them all with rope.i was wondering if anyone else has had this problem.

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Di, I got the same toy from there but Charlie never really played with it so I took it out anyway. I have not had any other problems with chains so far, and hopefully wont but I would take them out when you go to work just to be on the safe side, if you still want Monty to play with it just make sure he is supervised.

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Hi Di, like Caroline i've never had any problems with chains.If Monty has got caught in them then remove them from the cage when he is unsupervised.I would replace the chain with a leather strip,you can buy them online or there is a really good site called pine4parrots run by a lady called Yvonne.Get the other half to snap the links at the bottom with some pliers & replace with the leather ;)

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Tyco has never had that happen but then again she was 4 yrs old when I got her I would take them out of the cage when your not home just to be on the safe side If all her toys have these chains i would find some things around the house to keep her amuse while you are out like paper towel tubes filled with her seeds or a couple nuts an fold up the ends to keep them in or little cardboard boxes will do the same thing. I somtime take a bunch of straws and tie them very tightly in the middle the birds like them for a quick easy toy even a branch from a bird safe tree will keep them busy for hours chewing the bark off the branch. Spending lots of money on toys is not nessesary the are like kids they would rater play with the box the toy came in rather than the toy inside.

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thanks for your replies folkes, monty is only a baby and he's a little darling:blink: he only seems to do this when he's climbing over his cage and after a footing to help him on his perch or swing, his swing has these chains on too but we've now threaded them with rope and now you can't even see the chain, as for his other toy i have aslo re-threaded them with rope so he should be fine:P think there might be a picture on my profile of his swing if you want to look.. thanks again xx

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That's a great swing set! I don't have experience with this yet, however in all the various books I have read and the various sites on the web, I know that some people will thread rope through the chain, so that the toes can't be caught. It may take up a little less rope than you have used. But, your solution looks great to me :) .

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Good solution. I've heard that scream once and I don't care to ever hear it again. :( In Dorian's case he got a talon caught in some rope fibers (this was in the store, before I got him). I know some birds have lost toes getting caught like this when their owners weren't around.


p.s Monty is adorable!

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