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Cute things your grey says?


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I've been reading some pretty funny posts today about cute (or annoying!) things some grey's come out with (sometimes when least expected).


I'd love to hear what your birds like to say and how they've made you laugh!




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Rachel, there is this family living in the town of Sderot in Israel that is under attack of qassam rockets from gaza who owns a parrot called 'Cookie'. The code word used for seeking hiding from the qassam rockets is 'red dawn'. He used to curse :blush: but now all he screams is 'Red Dawn' :(

Although very sad, I find this also rather cute - because he is so affected by the situation here.

Sorry if this is not a real funny comment. But when I heard it the only thing I could think was: just like a human being :blush:

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My female grey is a little chatterbox. She can say a lot of phrases and and can say all the names of all the other birds. She also puts our last name with the birds names! She heard us calling the dog, who when she wouldn't come as called , we added her last name to emphasize that she must come. Jiggy picked this up in no time and was smart enough to figure out it goes with all the names in our family! She also tells the conures to "Be Quiet!" when they start to make a lot of noise. She says " I love you" and" Ti amo","who let the dogs out?", "What cha doin' up there?""Bedtime for Birdies", "Go Leafs Go!" (our favourite NHL hockey team)and she can also whistle the theme song from Hockey Night In Canada and Danny Boy. Sometimes she gets mixed up and whistles one bar of one and one of the other! The male Quinn, says significantly less than her and mainly copies what the other birds say. He has an annoying habit of making the sound from the smoke detector! Jiggy, by the way, can make the sound of the ring of the phone, local and long distance, answer it and call me to the phone. Awesome birds.

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lets see me CAG says sexy boy, pretty boy, good boy, walkies!, benji(my dogs name) he also say dinner when someone is cooking and if i was upstairs he'd shout out jane dinner, he says what, oi, also called one person c**t and hasnt said it b4 or ever since the person hasnt been round weird huh. he also says kiss, whats that, bite, makes this kiss sound, wolf whistles, fire alarm sound, he also mimics me sneezing how evil is that!! and he copies my dads cough. a funny lil bugger

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My congo doesn't say many funny phrases although he mummers under his breath when he's mad. It's the way he says alot of things like when he says "What's up" He says "Wuzzzzzzz up" As if there was a cute girl going by and he wanted to say "Wuzzzz up baby".

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FairY, the story about your neighbor's bird is so sad. I often worry about Israelis and think how bravely you're all handling the terrible situation you're in.


God bless you all, and you're in my prayers.


(Sorry -- no intention to hijack this thread, but we Americans are so fortunate, and don't appreciate it.)

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Thank you very much Sticks_n_Stones, I appreciate that :)


I thought of him (Cookie) as a bird adapting to the situation. Isn't it strange (and at the same time so very natural) though?

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  • 1 month later...

I don't think there is enough space here for all of us to list what our birds say, but as far as cute things, Talon says, "Spaceship, phew phew phew!" , And yells at my youngest son, "Matthew, RIGHT NOW!". and the usual, peekaboo etc. She also can tell you what a chicken says. "Thirsty bird" when she is thirsty. I think that's enough. I could go on & on, but I won't. :lol:

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Harrison is always learning new words/phrases...this is what I have written down in his album...I just copied and pasted it...sorry for the format..



I love you

Hi/hello baby

Whatcha doin?


Hiya Hotlips



Hello bird

Harrison is a (very) pretty biiiiiirrrrrd

Pretty cool

It's OK


Feed the geckos?

You're a good boy. (lol)

How's my baby?

I'm sorry

Hello Buddy

How are you?

He just started saying "no" when he doesn't want to do something. :)



Where's Heather?

I'm Sorry

gootchie-gootchie goo

Go On


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Sounds like she's on her way, Judy. That gibberish will turn into words soon I bet. I spend alot of time with Talon when I want her to learn something special to say, she gets it pretty quickly sometimes, other times, it takes forever!!:S

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Judy, Harrison was talking a little bit at 3 months, when we got him. He didn't start saying more things for a while...it seems like around 9-10 months of age, he started learning words/phrases really fast. Now, he only has to hear something a couple times (sometimes once) and he'll say it. I'd be willing to bet that once your grey starts talking, she'll really take off and learn things really fast...



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  • 3 weeks later...

Edward, my Congo will be 3 on 06/06/07 and he talks all day long. Some of the things he says are: Hot Diggity Dog, Jeepers Creepers where did you get those peepers,Edward is a good boy, Where are you going can I go too?, Get up and get going, 123 go, On your mark get set go, See you later, How you doing?, What?, I love you, I'm a dirty bird, Look at the mess on the floor, Doggonit, What are you doing?, Shut up, I'm not a bird, Oh shoot, I don't know what to do, Ouchy-wow-wow, Giddy up, Get out of town, Gimme a break, Oh come on, Oh Edward, Hey good looking what cha got cooking?, Can you hear me?, Are you there?, What time is it? And many others.


He calls my husband in a voice like mine and my husband often doesn't know who's calling him.


He coughs.


He meows. There must be cats hanging around outside his window because we don't own a cat.


He mimics the security system tones, and mimics a squad car siren.


He clucks like a chicken.


He's more fun than a barrel of monkeys.


Rose Grey:cheer:

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I love threads like this :-) I can always count on a good giggle :-) Here are a few faves from the now 4 pages of vocabulary from Shyloh ... I'm so honored I get to be her mom :-)

Who is da bird, da bird is da word!

Back away from the bird!

I love you veeeeeeeery much!

quiet, it's quiet time now ... shhhhhhhhh!

it's all good

right on!

wacha doing little bit?

upside down!

pop pop pop pop POPcorn!

hey, no no, there's no chewing on the curtains! I see you, you're busted!!!

Sings - you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, cuz youre so grey!


A bittersweet addition - not long ago there was a military excercise fairly close to where I live ... it included helicopters ... which flew quite close to my place. Shyloh was out on her rec stand when a huge black hawk looking chopper flew right past the window and frightened her into jumping to the floor and dashing away :ohmy: This would have been a terribly sad story if it hadn't been for her following reaction - while simultaneously waddling away under one part of the couch and out the other, down the hallway and towards her sleeping cage, she repeatedly said to herself, "it's ok, it's okay, it's okay, ok ok ok okay, it's okay!!!!" Worriedly chasing after her, she realized I was behind her about halfway down the hall. She stopped, waddled over to me, and said "Okay, step up, step up, STEP UP!!!!!! it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, Shyloh wanna go home now?". It was so sad, and yet such a good example of using words in context on her own without training and example. I would tell her it's okay in other situations when she was frightened, for example; thunder, but she applied it to this one on her own. As heartbreaking as it was, I must in all fairness confess it was incredibly difficult not to laugh :whistle: Once she was secure in her sleeping home, I had to leave the room and burst into hysterical laughter so as not to offend her :blush:


and on a more purely humorous note, this one has been posted before but it still makes me laugh... in honor of random incredible moments: The air conditioning repair man, while deeply focused in his work, did not notice that Shyloh was out on her recreation stand ... in the silence that often accompanies deep thought, Shyloh announced "Back away from the bird!". The poor man must have jumped a good foot lol, then turned to me insisting that strange bird had not in fact just spoken to him. Before I could answer him, Shyloh said, "Who is da bird, da bird is da word!"! Needless to say we both laughed so hard we were crying Shyloh approved as if her work here was done, then promptly demanded popcorn , "pop pop pop pop POPcorn! Shyloh popcorn?!!!" Hope this brings everyone the smile it brought me!


Post edited by: estream, at: 2007/06/04 01:07<br><br>Post edited by: estream, at: 2007/06/04 01:12

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I am laughing so hard I can hardly type. And my bird mimics my laugh which if you could hear it would make you think I was laying an egg. I have had people say I have a distinctive laugh and some people love it and a few don't, but what do I care, none, it's their problem not mine.{Feel-good-0002006E}

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One of my greys has a super vocab. Some of his funnier things are:


I'm sooooo smart...... I can talk


Rock a bye baby....... TREE TOPPPPPP


What's a dog say.... woof woof

(we can ask him this and he will answer


What's a duck say... quack quack quack


A cat say MEOOOOOW


AND he's list goes on and on.<br><br>Post edited by: acpand5, at: 2007/06/05 02:57

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  • 3 months later...

I love to listen to Katie talk she puts words together that sound so funny.


She is really big on getting piggies and wee wee wee.

she can also say: up up, wish bone (game we play with her), I love you, your so pretty, the vonage jingle on tv., she knows everyone/pet in the house. She tell Leo and Rudy they are good boys, come on girl go poop poop, earthquake (another games boys play with her) she also shakes when she says it, she has about 10 ways of saying hello, she answers the phone, she says what she wants to say and then says ok good bye then does the beep noise to hang up, peek a boo, I'm going to get your but, go Rudy, (started when watching the Bengals on Sunday, she tells herself she is a bad girl. And the list goes on.


Rudy is just trying his voice and makes barking noises, he can whistle.


Leo can say his name and whistle.


My son just taught Katie to say Taco flavor kisses from South Park. So she says a bunch of Tacos' and kisses.


I just love talking about my birds. The people I work with think I'm crazy. You guys understand.



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