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Going on vacation soon...advice...


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Okay, so my husband talked me into this bird after a couple of years...long story. I just realized he never really answered the question of what we were to do when going on a vacation where the bird could not go. Geez, we're going on a cruise in a couple of weeks. He suggests that his father watch the bird since we will be visiting him before our trip (6 hrs away)and he used to own a bird. Okay, might work. I have traveled with my pets on this 6 hr. road trip before. But not this bird. I figure use a smaller cage and cover it. I'll bring treats. Should I take his larger home cage to set up fopr the week or would the travel cage do with out time? Then I do NOT trust anyone else to be conscientious of his capability of flight with opening doors so I feel I need to clip him. It will be his first clip and prabably a rude awakening to him. I'm just worried about his safety. It seems like thew only option. I have made numerous toys. hehe. What else? Thanks!:)

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I wouldnt rush into clipping him just because you are going on holidays. Remember once you clip him he will be unable to fly for up to a year and not just for the 2 weeks you are on the cruise. I have left my greys in their big cage while I was away. I asked the person who was minding them not to let them out at all. They fed them, gave them water, chatted to them and played with them, all without ever taking them out of the cage. I did this for 2 reasons. Firstly I was afraid that the minder might get bitten as the greys didnt know her very well, and secondly I was afraid she wouldnt be ablet to get the birds back into the cage safely.


Their cage is big enough that they can flap their wings and stretch inside the cage and I felt I would rather they stayed in the cage and the minder and the birds were safe and unharmed, than let out regularly and run the risk of someone - bird or human getting hurt :ohmy: !


This worked well for me and could perhaps work for you too?

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I didn't know it took so long for the flight feathers to return. You've given me something to think about. I do have an even larger cage in the attic. Maybe I should take that down and leave him home. Hmmm.

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Do you have a friend or neighbour who could come in and feed him and chat to him? Maybe sit and read a book aloud to him for half an hour each day? My minder came and watched tv for a while each day and chatted to the birds about what was on. If you do then you would save him the stress of the journey, the clipping, and the strange place and cage. Leaving him at home his only "trauma" is missing you for a little while. And he would have some company for some part of each day.

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I third the pet sitter option, with the next best choice being taking the cage he's in now to his father's place and not letting him out for the week. Just set it up like it is at home. The only problem with the cage in the attic is then the bird would be dealing with the trip, the new place and person, and a new cage. That's a lot for it to adjust to.

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Currently I am on vacation and I arranged to have my next door neighbor take care of my CAG. He goes over there and changes the food and water daily and plays with him. I of course am worried because I have never done anything like this before. But the advantages are that the bird is in a familiar place and all of the dangers are taken care of.


Another option you should check into is board the bird at your local bird pet shop. Lots of people do this in the SF Bay Area.

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Thanks for the tips. I think after this discussion I do prefer to leave him home. My hubby is working a shutdown and I haven't been able to speak to him. Hopefully he agrees. Thanks!:)

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