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African grey Not well please help


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Sorry have not been in touch. My baby has been xrayd now and its bad news. He has psittacosis which is a disased liver. He also has a calcium definciaty. At 1st they give him antibiotic's and calcium which has done nothing really, calcium picks him up and then he drops again. When i went to day they have had to treat him for this disease as he is to weak and the blood tests would take to long to come back as its the weekend. bad thing is that i know have to get my amazon tested. I have to find out were the disease came from to start with. I got my fluffy from the parrot scocity book. I am with one of the best vets in the uk. The thing is i find he just has no feelings with it. i cant even afford the vet bills anymore and cant find any help what soever. the pdsa does not deal with birds. I dont know what to do. He has also been near my amazon. God i dont know what to do now. I have to go back again tomorrow and i cant even afford it. Then i have been told it can be passed on to humans great

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That is terrible news:ohmy: ! Your poor little girl. Can't you explain to the vet that you can't afford the treatment, he might be able to either reduce the fee, or come to some arrangement about paying by installments over the coming months for you? Obviously you will have to get your amazon tested too, but fingers crossed he will be ok.


We are all rooting for you!



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It's rare for humans to catch it, as long as you aren't immunodepressed already, and when they do it's normally mild enough to be mistaken for a bad cold. If you develop a fever see a doctor and mention psittacosis to him.


Some birds can be carriers and never show signs at all, so any bird yours has come in contact with could be the culprit. He could even have been a carrier all along -- most vets don't test for psittacosis because there are a lot of false positives and it's fairly rare. Birds that come down with it can also recover and not have any more trouble -- but I won't lie, it is a serious disease, especially if you don't catch it very early.


I hope your guy feels better soon!

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Oh my I'm so sorry for you I hope that your Amazon has managed to escape this disese. If you can't afford the vet bills I'm sure the vet will work with you I know it can get expensisive but most vets will not let an animal die just because of money so he should be able to work out a payment plan or reduce the cost since its going to take alot of visits to get your bird well again.

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You poor thing. This is a very stressful time for you, and your birds I'm sure.

Take one thing at a time, and the most urgent thing to deal with first is the bird who is sick, and finances. I'm sure you can speak to the vet about paying on terms, because believe me, you would not be the first person the vet has met who is having difficulty coming up with (often exorbitant) vet fees!

You are really doing your best, and I can tell you you have come to the right place here on this forum for support and advice - everyone here is so helpful!

Try your best to relax; I know that may sound impossible; but that's what you need to do - excessive worrying is not going to change things. Take one day at a time, focus on your priorities and use that energy you have to find a solution to the issue.

Keep up the wonderful job you are doing, and remember we are all here for support!


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Hi Everyone, went back to vets today and he said he has seen an improvement in her. He does not know whether it is the calcium injection or the antibiotic. The problem with this. He is not 100% definite as it takes 10 days for the tests to come back and has to treat her for this with the symptoms she has and with the liver enlargement. He told me today he did not expect her to even last a few days from the way he saw her yesterday. She is also underweight too. He expected her to pick up within 2 hours after the calcium but she never she only picked up this morning which is why he is going to carry on treating her for this horrible disease. Fluffy really is like a little baby again. She has tweeted 20 times today and whistled 4 times which is a amazing improvement but no guarantees. its a 50/50 chance now and we are now getting tests done on our amazon.I think it is really strange that since she has been ill my amazon will not entertain her at all. They def since things. its been really hard trying to keep them separated as fluffy keeps trying to get to amazons cage. i have to do this for 45 days. I want to thank you all for being so concerned and helpful. If everyone could just say a little prayer to the parrot gods i would be grateful.


My next appointment is not till next Thursday as we are carrying on with the course. I will update you all.

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Update, yesterday i thought fluffy had taken a turn for the worst :-( She fell off her perch when she was asleep but lUCKILY i had placed her against a wall next to me. She also had stuff coming from her nose which is a sign of the disease and very weak. We have come to expect the worst as our vet told us she was very ill. Today well that has been another story. I cannot believe the difference from yesterday. Fluffy has ran around the house all day and even whistling. She has not shivered half as much. I have not been able to keep up with her she is so hypo. Its really strange as i think the medication might be doing some strange things to her. She walks backwards.LOL Really today is like she is 75% back to normal and she has been on medication for 3 days. The medication will go on for 45 days. This really is good news for us and we have been feeding her baby feed too and she has gone back into baby mode and bleeting. The hardest part of this is she is contastly begging for my amazon who we obviously cannot let her go near for 45 days. I put them in same room extra but she just begs and begs for him. Does anyone have any ideas what i Can do. By the way everyone Fluffy is not even bonded to us. She chose my bird who is bonded to me. Aghhhhh.


Also does anyone have a bird that just wants to eat all day. Fluffy will try and eat anything she even goes to the dog bowl.



Here is hoping for another good mad day :-)

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Well it kind of sounds like guarded encouragement if there is such a thing. You said she seems better but there are some strange things happening, I would imagine it is the meds, you might want to check with the vet to be sure. I am a little more optimistic but she is certainly not out of the woods yet.


I will keep Fluffy in my thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery with no ill effects and you hang in there too and keep us informed ok;) :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update can anyone help me here.


I have now run my bill upto £500 and guess what my vet still does not know what is wrong with my bird.


She has xray done,liver enlarged. he said at 1st lead poison, came back negative, then calcium, then the big horrible one i mentioned which he put me on anti biotics and guess what its not that so treating her for something she has not got. she is no different. we give her food weening which she is eating. she is dropping weight. i mean 4 vets that only handle birds and all i have had is guessing games and still yet no diagnosis on this bird. I am very frustrated i have bill for £500 for guessing games and still don't know whats wrong. all i know is she has trouble swallowing hard things and can eat weening food. but only ever wants to eat what we have which is not good.


i dont know what to do anymore.

my baby is still ill at 1 year and 2 months and is losing weight and not her normal self.

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Greetings Donste2287,


So sorry to hear of these challenges you and Fluffy are having. Unfortunately the reality is that medicine (vetrinary and human for that matter) is often not a black and white science. Many things are shades of "grey" like our precious little birds and it can be a process of elimination to try and diagnos/treat illnesses. I send you all my thoughts and well wishes. Keep doing what you are doing w/in your means to support Fluffy so you can be at peace with your actions and know that fluffy appreciates all your efforts. Keeps us posted and I am hoping for the best.

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