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African grey Not well please help


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Hi i am needing some advice on my grey. She has been very quiet for 2 days and has not eat today as normal, She is a very greedy bird so used to seeing her eat alot. She is doing something strange a bit like regurgitating. Am I panicking. She does not seem to want to do anything either. I dont know the difference between vomiting and regurgitating. Can anyone help me at all. How much is it to take to a parrot vet?

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How old is your grey and how long have you had her? Are you aware if she ate anything recently out of the ordinary? Have her droppings changed? How about weight?


Depending on where you live an average vet visit is somewhere between $35 - $ 100 US. Can go up significantly if additional treatment is needed. Maybe others will have additional advice.


Keep us posted.

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she is only around 1 year of age. i dont know what she weighs. i have always thougt she eats too much as she can eat all day constantly. she is also bonded to my amazon but my amazon is bonded to me. he does tolerate her but my grey obsesses with him and never leaves him alone. at the minute she is not interested in him either. if you go near her she growls and furs up. also her crop seems a little puffy if that makes any sence.

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I think any change in stool might be an indicator. The longer you wait to bring to a vet the worse it could get. You can call around to price the vets first. Some pet stores have vets visit monthly and invite the public. You need to be prepared in the case of emergency anyway. Good luck.

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It is very difficult at times to tell the difference between vomiting & regurgitating. A bird who is regurgitating or vomiting will make a head-bobbing and neck-stretching type of movement.Vomiting is often accompanied by a quick head flick movement.A bird that reguritates will bring up food & offer it to you or a toy.If a bird has vomited you will see food in the cage,on the floor & even stuck on your bird.If you unsure then please seek the advice of your avian vet.

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donste2287 - I would take that Grey to a vet ASAP. If the Crop appears mid to full and has not been eating, something is very wrong. The regurgitating could be your Grey trying to remove something stuck in the Crop that will not pass.


The loss of appetite, no play/interaction, fluffed up and growling indicates something is very wrong. A trip to the vet would be the best thing to do at this time.

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I am off to the vet tomorrow and will let you all know. She was trying to eat tonight but struggled. I defiantly think its too do with her crop. She has not brought anything up but she is defiantly head bobbing.


I will let you all know the outcome. Thank you all for helping me with this. I am glad there is a place i can go for help. :-) x

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Hi Every one back from the vets. The vet does not know exactly whats wrong with her only that there is def something wrong. He said her symptoms are def either calcium deficiency or led poison. The baby has not been near any led at all. He gave her some calcium today which is a lot stronger than the one we have. He has said if its this she will pick up straight away. Tonight we have saw alot of progress, she has started eating again and has tried chewing her leather toy. I am hoping that this is the problem. The problem i have he his saying to come back 8 n the morning for an ex ray if she has not picked up. She has picked up what should i do. I was going to leave it tomorrow and if she deteriorates to take her back asap. What are your thoughts. Also my bird is very very greedy but she wont eat the good stuff for her. she will eat all day long. this cannot be good for her. do you think i should take the bowl away as she will empty it and fill it just with proper vegetables and fruit.

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I would still take your baby back to the vets and get every check done possible to find out what the problem is. I hope the vet has found the problem with the calcium but he dosent sound 100% sure does he?

What kind of diet does she have? One of my greys is about the same age, in the morning he will eat a mixture of fresh fruit, he has pellets and a seed mixture through the day then on an evening will eat veggies or pulses. Try and introduce these gradually if you are not already doing so, there are lots of threads about diet on here and what you can feed.

I hope everything will be ok for her, please let us know what happens when you return to the vets. Caroline.

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Ditto on the others suggestions to return to the vet for xrays.


Also, as Tracy asked, did the vet take blood for analyses? To really diagnose the problem and attribute it to Calcium deficiency or lead poisoning, he must do so.


Is this vet highly skilled and know for working with Parrots?


Looking forward to hearing how he is progressing. I am so sorry you are going through this.

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if she has a calsium deficancy there are lots of things you can do to help her get enough scrape cuddlebone on her food when you give her scrambled eggs crush the shells in with them also make sure she gets a little natural sunlight 20 minates a week at least and do take her back if she not well let her eat what she wants for now most birds love scrambled egg why don't you try some with the crushed eggshells in there it might help her mabie even a little peice of cheese also

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