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Beaking ?


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My Echo has started to "beak" my fingers whenever he gets a chance. I was able to have him sit with me while I was on the computer but no more. He will come over and "beak" my fingers. Sometimes lightly others pretty darn hard. I'm not sure why he started to do this. Is this the same as when a puppy bites your hand while playing? I really want to stop him of doing this because he does hurt me at times. Also when he is one the floor with me he comes over and "beaks" the heck out of my toes. How do I stop this? and why did he start doing this? Does anyone know why.

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Baby parrots go through a nibbling stage. They are checking out their environment. Everything has different textures. In this nibbling stage do not let your bird use your fingers or other parts of your body. Give your bird something more appropriate like a toy or other acceptable object.I know Echo is slightly older,just be firm with him,a harsh NO & return him to his cage/stand for a few minutes.He has to see that this behaviour is not acceptable & gains him nothing.

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Dear lovemyGreys

Thank you for the advise. I thought that maybe it was a stage but really wasn't sure. You're right also about him being older, 17 months now. He seems to be coming out of his shell alittle. Things are even going better between him and my husband. He now will let him give him a treat while he is in his cage. He will call his name and everything. The forum has given me a lot of great advise and I really appreciate it.

Thank you


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