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Help on a future play gym? :D


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Well, checked everything I needed to check, and all is a go for making this bad-boy. Just finished sending in the order for the fittings a few minutes ago. Lets hope I have the same number of fingers after the stand is together, that I have right now ... 11



wait ... :silly:

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Well, I got my fittings in today. I definitly can tell that a few things will have to change. One, the 5 way connectors I ordered are HUGE :pinch: . The outter diameter of the hoopball would end up being about 1.59" in diameter. Since it would be covered in rope I think it would be ok, but it might be to big (the plans I found on Birdboards showed it being about 1.3" in diameter). So what I might do is just make the hoopball on it's own when we get a bigger place. Or just be happy that I have 8 5-way connectors that will never ever be used :pinch: hehe.


The rest of the connectors are smaller then I thought. I don't see being able to make a 30w"x30d"x56"h stand and having the sturdy'ness as I origionally thought. Well, at least I ordered a bunch of extra parts, so I could easily make it as big, with just more support. Especially since I doubt the Shpere will be included. :S


Well, to quote my inspiration: "Back to the drawing board" ~ Wile E Coyote; Super Genius.


wileecoyote.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Broomer, at: 2008/08/14 19:10

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What's the inside diameter of the smaller pieces? They appear to be the 3/4" size -- just about 1" inside diameter? That's not too small for a sturdy playgym! That's as large as I'd use, myself. My grey, Gandalf, really wouldn't like much larger than that.

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Nope, it's 7/8" or .875" ID. I don't feel comfortable making something 30"x30" with it that thin. The pipe i'll have to use is the 1/2" PVC piping that has a .840" OD that I'll have to wrap in something a bit to make it more of a snug fit.

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Actually, just came to a conclusion. Me and Kim have this small rolling IKEA ... thing ... that is on casters. It's inner size is 17.5"x17.5" ... so I could change the playstand to fit into that, attach it to it with something, then suddenly Loki's stand is portable :) hmmm I could easily keep it 56" tall that way too. Time to draw something out. :lol:

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Okiedokie, it's taken about an hour to draw this out. No Sphere :pinch: :( But just made it like a rotating staircase. Little easier, and a lot cheaper to make in the end. Each "Step" are 5 inches apart, so should be close enough for Loki to climb with little difficulty. That and there are a lot more places for us to hang toys. It also leaves me with 8 extra Slip-Tee fittings, to either make something else, or add to this. Any thoughts?



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Just did some quick measurements. The diagonal bars would be about 20 inches long. and the rest of them would be about 14 inches long. He'd have a Horizontal play area about 26 feet :laugh:. All that compacted into something that is 17" wide and deep hehe.


and drops my total PVC pipe needed down to 42". This total stand will cost about 100$ now. 65$ less now without the Sphere... just not as cool. :(

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I can't quite figure it out from the picture .. Gandalf doesn't like climbing vertically; he prefers to go from one in the X direction to one in the Y direction (X-Y are both horizontal, Z is vertical). So what I've done is put mine alternating. I see you have diagonols as well. You want enough space so he can comfortably stand at any level, so you don't want a bar 5" above another bar.


Is this what you've done and I just can't see it yet? It took me a while to figure out your picture with a sphere.


I'm debating adding "steps" to the vertical part of mine .. not sure how to describe it, but I'll mock it up and see if he likes it; will send a picture when I can. I'll try to take pictures of where I'm at currently.


By the way; found small screws that work beautifully with the slip-t connections .. just put one screw in and the T's are fixed to the bars.

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Ahhhh .. think I figured it out. The front view, the green bar goes across and has a cross-bar in the middle that goes to the back. The yellow bar goes diag, the blue bar goes across, the cyan bar goes diag from left to back right.


Looks reasonable!

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n2fisher wrote:

You want enough space so he can comfortably stand at any level, so you don't want a bar 5" above another bar.


Yup, thought of that. The only place where there will only be a 5" clearance is right down the exact center of the gym. Everywhere else there will be at least 11" clearance. I also figure that I can hang toys off the top Green bar, since it goes around the entire structure. That and there will be a Boing hanging above this contraption at a future date. When Loki shows that he has the co-ordination to use one :).

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Ok, made one last adjustment to the pic. Made the diagonal one wider as it should have been. Probably not to scale, but oh well hehe. Gave it more of a 3D look, to make it a bit easier to understand. :)


Don't forget to refresh your page if you click the link to it:




Might as well re-post the link too, so people don't have to hunt for it. :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Broomer, at: 2008/08/15 01:31

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I redid Alex's play stand today. I still need to finish recovering it and adding back toys. Also going to add a swing this time to see what he does with it. I made a swing for Martini. But so far the only one interested is Alex, and he's not allowed on Martini's play area. They each have one above thier cages. I will have to take pictures of everything in the next day or so. :)

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Technically you would see a 90 angle instead of a T on the left of the front view, and the right of the side view. You would see the T on the back bar in each case, but there should be a horizontal line showing the 90 degree fitting. Not that critical.

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Eh, I'm good with Photoshop. The way I've set it up is I can turn on and off each of the Front, Side, Diagonal and Top views, as well as turn off the fittins or the frame. That way I could get the measurements of each pipe.


Though, now you have me curious ... I gotta check it out :blink: :woohoo:

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Woot! :woohoo:


Home Depot actually had the CPVC piping that matches my fittings. That takes a load of work off my hands since it fits snug! :D


Bought 50' of it, that should cover the Playgym with a little left over. Time to measure it out!

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