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Hey everybody, I could use some input! Jenna is 8 months old and more fun than I ever could have imagined. But she's got some strange feather stuff going on and I'm wondering if it is just normal grey moulting or if I should be concerned. She's lost 3 of her tail feathers, and her tail is pretty raggedy. She's lost one grey feather that I've seen. The back of her neck is very scraggly (looks like feathers are not growing in quite right, or not getting free of the sheath) and she does not want me to mess with it to preen her. She'll let me do that after a shower if I wrap her up in a towel. (Towels are not scary to Jenna, she likes to be cuddled up in one, and that is the only time she'll let me preen her.) Does this sound like she's just moulting, or should I be concerned? Is there anything else I can do to help with her messed up neck feathers? I'd include some photos but I am writing from work :-)



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Yes it does. Oisin just turned 1 last week (Happy Hatchday Oisin :) ) and he got quite rough looking for a while. At one point he had about 3 tail feathers:ohmy: . Now all his tail feathers are grown, and they are beautiful, bright red :) He is still molting though, at the moment it seems to be mostly his chest feathers that are looking at bit worse for wear.


I just give him more showers than usual and spray him with aloe vera afterwards. It seems to help him;)

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No I don't think so. Oisin started ages ago. I'm not sure of exact time lines but it took weeks for the feathers to fall out and weeks for them to grow back so he could have been about 9 months when it started. Only a little older than Jenna. Maybe your baby is just advanced for her age :) She will probably be talking in full sentences before she is 1 :P

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