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Is my Cag weaned ?


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I just got my CAG, the breeder i got it from is specialized in only African Greys and told me that the one i got is fully weaned,


He is about 3 months old


Im afraid that he is weaned to0 early, should i be worried or not?


He looks very happy and healthy very good temperd parrot never bit us even though he is very nervous and its his first day here. he let us touch him etc..




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Is he eating on his own? Check his wieght often and make sure he's not dropping, but if he's eating on his own, as best I know, he's weaned.


Weaned just means that he doesn't require hand feeding anymore.


Of course I don't have my CAG yet, he's 6 weeks away from coming home, but to all my knowledge, that's how to define it.


Drat I hate being a newbie lol :side:

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Weaned really just means he is broken away from something that he is accustomed to in this case the hand feeding,they are able to meet all their nutritional needs by themselves ie.. they can eat sufficently to maintain themselves.Two of my greys were just over 3 months when i brought them home so if the breeder said he is fully weaned i wouldnt worry too much as long as he has a health appetite.I still continue to feed all 4 of my greys a little warm food in the evening & they range from 18 months to 4 years,i like to maintain that bond with them all.

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Greys normally wean around 12 to 16 weeks. Some will wean earlier and some will wean later. I would not wory about it being weaned too early...at 3 months it's around the time it would wean on it's own. He will be a bit nervous his first few days so that is nothing to worry about ether. He might not eat all that much ether, but as long as he is eaing a little that is good. After a week or so he should feel more comfortable and settle in.

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