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Finely got the Parrot


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I finely got the CAG he is 3 months old very gentle and nice he let us pet him but looks nervous and uncomfortable but never bit us, i think he just need time to get used to us :)


We named him Noah.


Do you let your cat be near the cage ?


we are very unsure about how to deal with our cat he is very curious about our new baby parrot and we are very afraid that he will harm him.



I will post pictures of Noah as soon as i can :)



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Congratulations Zahra!!


Noah is a GreYt name and sounds like he is settling in well to his new home and family. Your right, a little time will be required for him to become certain that he is safe and sound. :-)

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You must be so excited to have your new baby!!! I have 5 cats in my house. They are all older cats and used to being around birds, but I would never leave my CAG out with them on the loose without close supervision. It just is not worth the risk.

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I wish i could do the same kitty the thing we only have one bedroom which our cat doesnt have acces to due to my husbands allergy,

so cat and parrot are both in living room.


But we are keeping a close eye on our cat so i think it will be okay :)

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Congrats! Noah will settle in and find his groove in the house.


The first day Winston was here the cat was very curious and we let curiousity get the better of him while we were around. He has not shown any interest in the bird since then. I believe if you keep the cat away it only fuels his interest. Supervise the interaction and when you can't be there make sure your Grey is safe in his cage.

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All the talk about supervising cats/birds .. my bird cage is in the living room; I never let the bird be out with the cat unsupervised, but .. sometimes when the bird is pecking around the bottom of his cage looking for things that he dropped, the cat will come to the cage and put his paw up on the bottom.


Now Gandalf (my Grey) could very easily jump over and give the cat a very bad sore, perhaps taking off a toe or something. From all appearances (they have lived together for two years) it hasn't happened and probably won't happen, but i worry sometimes what happens when I'm not home. The cat is of course naturally curious about this other entity that lives within its home, so he wants to see it. I'm sure the bird would win in any fight.


FWIW: I had leopard geckos in the past .. one got out once, we couldn't find it, a day or two later I hear this terrible sound from the cat .. I ran upstairs from the lowest level of my trilevel .. the gecko has the cat backed into a corner! I was SOOO pleased to get the gecko back I didn't think much about it, but .. that's the opposite of what I would have expected .. the gecko should have been cat food. This is a different cat, but .. says that our pets interact in ways we don't expect.

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My cat/bird fears are eased a little by the fact that my cat is the biggest mamma's boy and coward in the world. If I leave the room, he has to be right on my heels, so I don't worry about him being in the room alone with Dorian. He's such a chicken his nickname is 'the white streak of fear'. I have friends who have been here several times and never seen him.


He and Dorian have gotten close to each other a few times. I'd love to get a picture of them together, but I'm always watching both of their body language so closely at these moments I don't want to be distrated by trying to take a picture, so here's a picture of my chicken, the cat:P

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