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I don't know what to do


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I'm kind of upset today My Amazon bit my Shith-zu dog very hard on her back end she didn't break the skin but my dog is in allot of pain and everytime she moves she cry's it makes me cry with her she is 9yrs old she was born in my house and now she very much in pain do you think that its just a bad bruise since the skin isn't broken or do you think she may have damaged done internally. like I said she didn't break the skin. I wasn't in the room when she bit her so I don'tt know the exact spot where she was bit and with nothing to indicate where she was bit it hard to tell. all I know is she is in allot of pain I don't even know for sue if Fergie bit her because I didn't see it but one minute she was fine and the next time I see her a few minutes later she in a severe amount of pain should I take her to the vet I don't know what to do.

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ummm, well thats a good question. I think if I was you if the dog can't walk or has major difficulty I would take her to the vet, but if it looks like it is just really sore I would wait a day or too to see if it gets better. If the skin wasn't broken then I don't see a tendon being snapped or anything like that. I'm going to bet your thinking is right and your dog has a tendor welt or bruise. Maybe try to get a look at it and see it it looks bad.

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I tend to agree with Berna but there could be some damage done even though the skin wasn't broken, a bite from a bird is going to pinch the skin and whatever else it gets along with it so I would tend to err on the side of caution and maybe consult a vet even if it is only a phone call. My two cents worth.:whistle:

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If you don't know definately that the bird bit her, it could be something else. Small dogs (of which I have 3 and work with a maltese rescue), can jump down and have their patella (knee cap) out of place when they do this. Then their back hurts very much and they will limp. If the patella didn't come out, they may have strained their back. This has happened twice for me with my peke-a-poo and once for my maltese. I ended up having to have knee surgery on both. So, if you don't know for sure about the bird bite, I would take her to the vet. If you have some baby aspirin, you can give her 1/2 a tablet - maybe hidden in cheese, to see if that relieves the pain.



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Thanks guys for your concernI took her to the vet and she has a bruse on the pad of her foot an ont top of her toe I guess Fergie bit her foot she will be sore for a day or two but she will survive I feel so bad for her because she is such a little mama to all the birds when the are on the floor she stays right beside them so the don't get stepped on and if someone gers to close she runs in front of the bird to protect it. I hope this doesn't change her attatude towards them. I think she was probubly sleeping when it happened so mabie she won't relise it was the bird that hurt her

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