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Play and Training Times


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Hello Greyforums,

I have read about the minimum amount of time that Grey owners should let their Greys out of the cage and minimum training times.I don't quite remember the exact times as the minimum,so I would like to ask all of those who have one to tell me how much time that they spend with their Greys in training,exercise, and accompaniment.I want to find an average based on people who actually own Greys. Thanks!

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I try to spend at least 1 to 1 1/2 hours of total one on one time with mine 15 to 20 minutes 3or 4 times a day I don't spend the time all at once though some people do I guess after you put the kids to bed if you have an hour or two that would be fine as well. I don't think its the ammount of time it the quality of the time you do spend if its just time in the same room with you and occationaly you go up to him and give him a quick head scritch then he'definatly is going to need more of that than if you actualy are taking him to a place where you and he can actually play and be alone just one on one teaching him thing and playing games then you dont have to spend as much time a 1/2 hour a day is enough and he will look forward to that time if you make iy around the same time each day. You can't stop once you've started this or you may get some behaviour problems that you don't want so make sure the time you spend with your bird is consistent.

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Mon-Fri Klaus is in his cage all day until I get home from work at around 6:00 pm. He's out from 6:00 until I go to bed (around 10:00). Sometimes we'll go for a walk or a bike ride, which means the poor fella has to go in for a little while until we get back. I keep plenty of toys, food and water in his cage and I make sure to rotate toys so he doesn't get bored. I also provide foraging opportunities.

When he's out, he mainly walks around the outside of his cage, sometimes sits on my shoulder (like right now!).

On the weekends he usually talks us into letting him out before 6:00 pm LOL Who can resist?

I don't do any training with him. I just enjoy him.

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  • 11 months later...

Mon to friday i spend an hour and half in the morning with Chikki.. on my shoulders, cleaning his cage, giving him a shower and changing his food bowl..


when i am back from office in the evening between 7 to 9:30.. there i manage to have 2 sessions of training sessions.. if he is in training mood.. or cuddle him, depending on his mood anyways :)).. weekends he is out at 9 am and mostly out till 9:30 pm.. has a few training sessions over the weekend.. again cuddle/training sessions depends on his mood :)

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we have no set routine. sometimes tigerlily only spends a few minutes out her cage and other days she spends all of it out her cage. sometimes she sits on my knee for hours, other times she's out her cage but in a different room to me.

other times she's alone all day, others she's in her cage, but with me in the room (as i need SOME peace and quiet lol)

we don't really do training sessions, i just talk to her and she picks up what she wants.

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As I am at home nearly all day so Misty is with me all that time. He mostly chooses how much time he spends interacting with me. We share all meal times although he has foraging opportunities at any time. If I have things to do that don't involve him he sits on one of his various perches perhaps by the window or in his tree perch i made from branches of fruit wood. The only time he is caged is for time out for bad behavior but then only for max five minutes. That happens very infrequently, or if there are strangers moving around with the risk of leaving doors open.

The thing is Greys are highly intelligent social beings. They need to spend as much time with others as possible either with people or parrots. Toys are important but no real substitute. We play a lot but I don't really train him. He learns by observation and example. He is of course a total joy to me:) :) except when he is being a pain in the neck:woohoo:



Steve n Misty

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