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Eclectus parrots


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I own a 6 year old Ekkie called forest. He is a male and i have to say (biased) stunning. He also has a fantastic vocab. He will say things in the right context and always make me laugh. He is also a very steady bird. I can take him into the most crowded places and he doesnt batter an eyelid. He wears a harness and i take him out alot with me. If any one is thinking of adding a different bird to their collection i recomend the Eclectus...........now the downside.

These guys are intolerant to the colourings in pellets and added vits and minereals so food has to be fresh with no additives. They can be grumpy at times and have a strange growl that ive never heard before from any other birds.....its not like the grey growl but more like........a dog! I love my green guy to bits though, hes great:)<br><br>Post edited by: cocom, at: 2008/07/24 13:37

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yeah hes funny.....he hardly ever flies anywhere probably due to the 2ft wingspan......he will walk down the whole flight of stairs to go to the front room where as coco just drops straight off the banister and flies in.

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  • 3 months later...

Poco, our female ekkie was the sweetest bird I ever met. She never bit me hard. She spoke in context, too! One time she pooped on the floor, Dotty asked her who pooped on the floor, she said, "I did"! Another time, Dotty asked me a question, and Poco said, "Heck if I know"!!!



She was very special...



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