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Advice on male 11 yr congo and 4 yr.female


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Do you think the male's age will be an issue if the 2 are compatible. I am in no hury since I have many Macaws and Amozons I am working with. Just want to know if age will be a problem. Thnaks for your help. Karl in St. Louis, MO

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Im not fully sure what your question is referring to ? Do you want them as breeding birds or companion birds ?

If breeding then there is no guarantee they will be compatible.Im afraid it's not as easy as just putting a male & female together.

If it's for companionship/pets again there is never any guarantee they will get on,gradually over time they will either become friends or learn to live & tolerate eachother.

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Thanks for your reply. I am buying them first as pets but would like babies later. I was wondering if the male would be too old to breed at 10 years of age cause the female is alittle young. Thanks for any info you can provide. I have 3 bonded pairs of Macaws and I know know there are no sure things even with the bonded pairs the conditions have to be perfect. I do my best to give the best food and health care, cleanliness ect.

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