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The loss of our Sun Conure


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Since I found this site to read up on our upcoming TAG. I posted in the welcome forum how I lost my Sun.


Well...this is hard to type. A customer of our's found Tiki's body over the weekend. They had our flyer and called my Husband this morning and brought him to the shop this morning. It is nice of them to take the time to bring him home to us.


I feel so bad. I have closure now but I feel horrible. My mistake took his life from him. I just never imagined how hard it would be to see him passed away. I keep crying to think about him...I know it will take some time to get over. I just feel crappy


Our TAG is coming home in a week and I am happy for bringing home this new baby. But it is hard cuz his new home has a lot of tiki's toys he did not like.<br><br>Post edited by: SweetFX, at: 2008/07/24 05:38

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awwe so sorry to hear about your sun conure .......i had my sun conure put down on the 7th of jan after he had struggled with some sort of lukiemia ( the vets thought ) for 2 years. He was 15 when i took him to the vet for the last time. I had had him since he was 12 weeks old. I still miss him terribly. My only comfort is that he is no longer in pain and flying free with your little friend and all his family....... fly free little one x

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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of the sun conure, I remembered you telling us he flew away and you hadn't seen him since, at least now you know what happened to him and you can go thru the grieving process. I know I would be devasted to lost my little Sunny but things happen and now he is over the Rainbow Bridge and you will meet him again someday.

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Very sorry to hear of your loss. It's hard enough to have them escape, but to also know that they didn't survive is really heart rending. At least this gives you closure and you can grieve. My sincerest condolences.

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