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Another pet in the house??


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Hi all,

I m thinking about getting another pet bird, I m not sure about the spiece yet, But I want to know what do you guys think. I live alone with my bird, I travel about twice a month and I take him with me. Besides taking him with me when I travel, Lilo doesn't get much socializing with other people/birds. I want Lilo to have someone else to play with besides me. Should I get another grey? and how do I make sure that the new pet will get along with Lilo? Of course if i decide to get anthoer pet, she/he will travel with us as well. Do you guys think its a good idea?




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First, you should never get another bird just for the current bird. Many parrots do NOT welcome a new addition and there could very well be major fights between them if they are allowed to interact with each other. They should NEVER EVER be caged together because you would surely end with up a dead or badly maimed birds. Most "old world" parrots like the African Grey only flock with their own kind, so the likely hood of them getting along great with a different type of bird they were not raised with is slim. As you said he is not socialized with other people or birds so a new addition...even if it was another grey...could cause aggression with you and the new bird because of teritorial and jealousy issues. I work at a pet store with over 30 parrots and many of them are together and many people that see this think that you can just take any bird and put it with another. Our parrots that are together were ether raised together or were watched non stop till we knew for a fact that it was a good match. The odds that birds that are not babies will get along is not good. I would say no to another parrot because it could cause more harm than good.

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We got a second grey for the sole purpose as a companion for our first grey and it has worked like a charm. We felt guilty about leaving our first grey all day alone while we worked.


Took us 2 months to socialise them to be together and in the same cage. They are young greys though so I think this was an advantage. It is a pleasure to see them playing together and doing things together that we can't do for them.

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Thanks for everybodies reply.

It was very informative.. I will def. do more research on it. Lilo is about 1 year and half old. When he was younger I would take him back to the petshop to socailize. I was thinking if I decide to get another pet, maybe I can take Lilo to the petshop or animal shelter to pick out the new addition together?

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