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Loki from week to week! How they grow!

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He's getting big fast! And more and more cute hehe.


From 4 weeks:











to 5 weeks old:












Now to 6 weeks old!:
















{Feel-good-000200B9} :woohoo: {Feel-good-00020114}


Post edited by: Broomer, at: 2008/07/23 00:46<br><br>Post edited by: Broomer, at: 2008/07/30 00:03

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:) Lovely pictures, dont they just grow from week to week .I dont mean to be rude here but Loki does appear to be covered in formula,it's far easier to have a damp cloth to hand when feeding & wipe off any excess food than it is trying to remove it once it has dried on ;)
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Oh I know, most of that was from the morning feeding that we weren't there for hehe, I was cleaning him off the whole time I was there.


As Kim says, I'll have competition for messiest eater when he comes home hehe.

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Oh I know, I try my best, but he's still at the breeders, soooo I can't be there for all the feedings to keep wiping him off. You should have seen him after we fed him, he was covered, I wiped that all off of him though.

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Hi all. Heather showed these photos to me.


Wow. Seems like the dirt would be a breeding ground for bacteria, skin irritation, and attract insects.


I would be careful. (I am sure that you will take the Grey no matter what but....)


Maybe you can let the breeder know that you are concerned that the bird is being harmed. Maybe ask for a Vet visit.


Harrison's other significant other. Denis.

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I know you'll think we're all being overly concerned... they are great photos and it's wonderful to see your little Loki growing. But really, the breeder should take the time to wipe off the little one after he eats. It doesn't take that long and if it helps your baby stay healthy isn't it worth it? I'd have a little talk with your breeder.

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Well it's nice to know that someone else is concerened for this baby grey also.Thank you for pointing out the health risks.There really is no excuse for a baby to be caked in formula like this even if it was being fed by a novice.


Broomer this is NOT a personal attack on yourself you clearly love Loki & want the best for him,please speak to the breeder & voice these issues to them.

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Oh I understand completely. a good portion of what is on him is bits of wood shavings that they tried instead of their usual wood chips to line the bottom of his cage/brooder. She said it was a mistake and they didnt forsee how dirty he would get from it. the only formula you see on him is around his face. Also, every time we see him, it's not the same food that was stuck on him the week before, if I remember correctly she said she gives them a bath later in the afternoon. I don't love seeing him caked, but it could very well be the timing in which we see him. We go to be there for his noon time feeding.


She told us she has 50 pairs of breeding birds and 100 baby birds to feed, and I think she does it mostly by herself, sooooo. I will however bring it up next week.


We're just so happy to see him I really don't see it hehe.

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Those are some nice pictures but I too want to comment on the appearance of Loki, the breeders should be cleaning him up better than what shows in the pics, please speak with them and voice your concern, your baby's health depends on it.


I don't care if she has 1000 baby birds to feed, keeping them clean is part of the job and if she can't handle it herself then she should not be doing it or she should hire some help. This is not an attack on you but you should be concerned as a bird lover, I would be.

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Oh I agree, and I plan on talking to them about it. Not until this weeks batch of photo's has anyone said anything about concerns.


Again, I was just so happy to see him, I'd forget to say anything.


Thanks to everyone for really opening my eyes to it, it will hopefully be resolved.

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You should not even have to talk to the breeder about her baby needing to be clean...good lord. I am sorry but that is unexcuseable for a baby of any age to have that much formula all over him wheather she has 12 birds or 10000. That is bad hygene and bacteria issues waiting to happen. Greys are prone to gram negative so after you get that baby home a vet visit is in order... I am just shocked that a breeder would let their babies get that nasty...hum

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Talked to the Breeder about the food on him, she says that on the most part it's because he and his brother and sisters are kept together and fed together, so they have even more of a mess to deal with. She does this for socializing and such. She said this week they'll be getting thier own weaning cage, and once a few more feathers come in, they'll be getting daily showers. She's just not able to control them regurgitating and being plain old messy while they're all together. BUT! she did show me how to preen him to take some of the food off, and Loki was preening my fingers and hand back :D.


Here are some new picutes, he's still a bit messy, but he's more active ... hence the blurry photo's hehe












REALLYenjoyingascritchafteragoodmea.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Broomer, at: 2008/07/30 00:04

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I picked some dried food of his face before those photo's. Not a lot, but enough that got him preening my hand back, it was so cute. And every time I took a drink from the bottle he would follow it and open his mouth hehe.




It's hard to drink when you're smiling hehe.

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  • 3 weeks later...

HI lOKI IS A REAL CUTE BIRD. My little cockatiel cracker did not come from the best of breeders, infact I should not have entertained him. My heart ruled my head and I could not leave him their. I waited three weeks for him and every day was horrible knowing his environment was filthy.Also he was tube fed which I hate. I was told he was weaned AT FIVE WEEKS. I just flew up to get him and got formula on the way. I fed him for another few weeks myself,I had very little experiance of hand rearing but knew a few people who gave me help.Cracker has turned out brilliant.I am sure Loki will thrive. I know he should have been cleaner but he looks well and happy in the photos. The last ones are a hugh improvement.I took Cracker to the vets soon after I got him home and he was given a clean bill of health, but I was carefull for a few weeks to keep him seperate from charlie as much as I could in a small house.Thats just common sence If you have other birds.Good luck

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What a cute little guy you have there makes me want a baby so bad but I have to keep telling myself no more birds. I have six birds and I'm at my limit its all I can do to give each one of them a hour of one on one attention everyday most of my birds just help them selves and fly over when they want to spend time with me Thank goodness they are all friends with each other or I would be in big trouble because sometimes I have one on each shoulder and one on each arm all at the same time Its good though cause it get quality time done with fairly quickly then I have more time to spend with Tyco she needs lots of quality time and she is very demanding about it. Typical Grey

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she wrote:

I know he should have been cleaner but he looks well and happy in the photos. The last ones are a hugh improvement.


Thanks :)


Actually the following week after we posted the photo's we talked to our breeder and things improved a lot.


Check out the new pictures :)









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