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i adopted 37 year old George nearly 2 weeks ago. we live in Atlanta, GA and he is older than i am...odd, but amusing.

looking forward to learning more about George and how to help him become the best buddy he can be!

thanks for any future assistance and nice to meet all of you.

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George talks a little bit....i fully intend to expand his vocabulary! as of yet, he says: George, meow, sweet, hello, bless you, good morning and barks. he of course looooves to whistle and is highly interactive. i talk incessantly to my cats, who DO talk back. i'm so excited that i may one day get a response in English.

regarding his interesting life, i unfortunately only know a little about the past 5 years...apparently, he's had 5 previous owners :( and i shall be his last. he's got a great disposition toward me, but does NOT like my man, which is part of the reason i've joined the forum. i'm hoping you "old hat" grey owners can give me some valuable insight!

thanks for the warm welcome!

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Hello Flutterby and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and George.


Yes you may have the oldest grey in the whole greyforum, wow 37 years is impressive and I imagine he could tell us some stories if he only would, with at least 5 owners I think he has seen a lot in his life.


So glad to hear this will be his final home, he does need the stability of a permanent home and it may take some time for him to finally realize that this home is it, no more going to another owner.


George may never come to accept your man like he has accepted you but there is no reason to believe he cannot have at least a tolerating relationship with him. A lot of greys do prefer one person over another, my Josey is bonded to me but she is gradually becoming more accepting of my hubby.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of George you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Welcome flutterby!!


George sounds like a wonderful addition to our family. It seems he is already taking to you and the surroundings. Time and patience with your husband offering treats and just talking gently to George from a distance will help improve the trust issue, hopefully. 37 years is a lot of baggage George brings with him.


Looking forward to hearing more. :-)

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