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Toy Suggestions?


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Caesar is very tough on toys. He can chew wooden ones apart in no time, so in the end, they don't keep him entertained for very long lol. So I was wondering, what are some toys that keep your Greys entertained? I'm going to a bird fair in late August and plan to stock up. :)

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You can look for foraging type toys that you can hide a treat or nut in for him to find, you can buy different ones or make some yourself out of things you find around the house.


You can also browse thru the baby departments for lots of toys for greys, a lot of them are suitable for playing with.


We also have some threads that deal with toys for greys, just do a search to find them, there are a lot of ideas in them for sure.

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Your welcome to any of the ideas I put together. I keep looking for more and more stuff to make. I'll have a years supply before I'm done! Beats the price of bird toys out there. Second hand stores and garage sales are great for kid toys, links, etc. I have used 2x4 to make blocks and dyed with coolaid. Then I just added a variety of stuff. Coolaid even dyes shells as I have made colorful garfish jewelry that way.




Oh yeah, of course not treated wood.<br><br>Post edited by: Mel, at: 2008/07/21 05:17

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#1, A pair of old jeans...

My grey loves it, he would get into the buttons, the rivets and then tear up the fabric.


#2, Bridie Goof balls, its a chew treat I got them at Drfrosternsmith. It has seed blend treats inside wrapped in rawhide ball. Lilo would toss them around first then would try to get inside the seeds.


#3, Yellowbook, I just put the whole book inside the cage or on top of his playpen, he spent hrs with it.


I hope any of these would help.

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It's reall quite amazing what will keep them busy Tyco prefers toy that rattle and that she can pick up and throw aeound so I'm always looking for foot toys for her she has tons on them that I keep in a wicker basket on her play top. Baby toys from the dollar store I find keep her most amused yeething ring with rattles and rings on them are her favorites. Pat

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