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This is so much fun!!!


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Well it's been a while since I have been here I had to update progress on Gizmo. He has become VERY talkative over the last month or so. Thus far he has learned to say clearly good boy, does a great impression of a fart (girlfriend isn't so keen on that I personally think it is halarious) says stop it (that would be my girlfriend telling him to stop making said fart sound) kiss (he leans out and says kiss and won't stop until he gets one) and today I was SOOOO excited after he gave me a kiss he mumbled I love you. Everytime I give him a kiss I tell him I love you. This is so much fun! Now touching is going a bit more slow but we are making progress. He happily rubs his beak on my finger, in fact he insists on doing so before stepping up. He will also play with my finger in his beak and has never been even a little aggressive about it. He lets me touch his tummy and back a little but tends to get a little growly about it. I feel like in the last few weeks Giz and I have really clicked. Soooooo sooo soo excited!!!

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That's great Maxx. My CAG tends to be growly as well especially when I pet it on the back. But recently it has calmed down so much the growls are almost completely disapearing. What I started doing was showing it a sunflower seed and then when it would reach out to grab the seed I would pet its head. If it would pull back I wouldn't let it have it until it would let me pet its head. My grey isn't aggressive but it seemed rather skittish at first and I used this technique to get it to trust me rather than force it by imposing handling. Right now Congo is very tame and trustworthy of me.B)

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Gizmo is 13 months old, found out today from my girlfriend he is also getting adventurous and leaving his cage (he has not done this in the past, I leave his door open all the time when I am home and always have yet he chose to stay in his cage) which I think is probably a good thing. I would love to be helping him learn to fly but sadly the breeders I bought him from clipped his wings. However I suspect he is molting in which case he will be able to fly here soon.

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Yes he will but the wing feathers will not molt out all together, they do in several stages but eventually they all will be replaced and then flight will be possible.


Curiousity is getting the better of Gizmo, he wants to venture out and explore.:P

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This is great news! He really sounds like he is coming along well. And you obviously love him very much. And he you. I am a bit jealous though. My grey turned 2 recently and has yet to say I love you :( (She has the fart sounds off though :) )

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I spend a lot of time talking to him, I found repetative seems to be the key. Thus far he is picking up on work association as well such as saying kiss and leaning out for a kiss and or repeating it until he gets a kiss. Ever since I have taught him kiss I have said I love you after. The farting sound really isn't all that big of a thing, he picked it up from me sticking my tongue out at him and blowing to make that sound. I think it's funny but to each his/her own.

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Repetition just doesn't seem to work for Liath. I have said Good morning to her every single morning over and over and she still doesnt say Good morning :( Liath says what she likes the sound of. She says very obscure things that I can't remember ever having said to her, or maybe only once or twice.


Oisin, my other grey says what he hears Liath saying. He is only 1 so he is only starting with the talking.

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Oh we are definitely happy :) My birds are so entertaining. I know you must get great satisfaction out of a bird who says something you have been trying to teach them, but imagine how funny it is when they just come out with something you havent taught them :laugh: Like the day after my little niece came to visit Liath started saying Hello poo poo head!:P (And yes I did tell her Mammy what she had "taught" my grey to say!)

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