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Getting Closer


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We got to see our little guy today and he was so excited. We cam walking in the room and he was rubbing the cage and makeing his little grunty noises. I opened his door and he just came running out. Took him a bint longer to step up to me but he was just so happy.


I am holding him and he is just head rubbing all my hands and then some excited flapping...might I add those wings hurt. HaHAHa


The store owner lady said he could ocme home this Thurs or Fir. She said he does not even want the the baby formual food anymore. I got to feed him some seed. He was just so happy even the ladies husband said he never seen him so happy. She said we are lucky that there were a few others that wanted to buy him but said he was spolen for . I have never been happier. bird13-cfef4723a68e3d55364c959a30ca9232.jpg


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I know its an exciting time when you know the time is almost here. Thats really special that he is already friendly to you that'l make the transition much easier. I visited mine atleast once ot twice a week while being weaned and it made a world of difference

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The petstore owner wants to keep him for another week.

In the beginning she said end of July...then she says next week...then says we need to wait longer...ahhhh.


He is down to begging for formula in the morning, so she is not sure if she wants to let him go this week. :( I can feed him formula in the morning off a spoon for him to lick up. She said to come by on Fri just in case.

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I went down there today to see our little guy and he was soooooo excited to see me. I got to the cage and he was climbing at the door, got it open and he grab my hand and was so happy. Then he start wing flapping to get to me ....wow those wings hurt some. :laugh: He was just blimbing up and down and around my shoulders thru my hair and giggling and then just hanging out on my shoulders. I cruthched a few steps with him and he did very well and he even sat on the top for a bit.


She said I could take him on Monday...maybe. I wanted to bring him on over a weekend to be with him. If I bring him on Monday ...I have to run my store m-f .


She was showing me he needed his formula but he really did not want it. So I am confused. I think it is ready to come home.


Thanks for listening.



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Oh Sweet, I know how you feel. i went through the same anxiety of just wanting to "Snatch and Run" one it was down to the final week, then another....... B)


But, that tells me the breeder/petshop is a good and responsible owner that wants to ensure the bird is fully weaned and you won't run into any surprises. :-)


Your Grey sounds like it is so attached to you already!! That will make the first homecoming much easier for him. He will be in a strange new place, but have the security blanket of being with the one he loves. :-)

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I agree thats a sure sign of a good breeder and atleast you get to see him and play with him even if its limited. Taking him now and thinking you could feed him will mess him up with his schedule just take comfort when you get him he'll be ready and loving you already and you have already won his love.

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I agree thats a sure sign of a good breeder and atleast you get to see him and play with him even if its limited. Taking him now and thinking you could feed him will mess him up with his schedule just take comfort when you get him he'll be ready and loving you already and you have already won his love.

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