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Getting Closer


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We got to see our little guy today and he was so excited. We cam walking in the room and he was rubbing the cage and makeing his little grunty noises. I opened his door and he just came running out. Took him a bint longer to step up to me but he was just so happy.


I am holding him and he is just head rubbing all my hands and then some excited flapping...might I add those wings hurt. HaHAHa


The store owner lady said he could ocme home this Thurs or Fir. She said he does not even want the the baby formual food anymore. I got to feed him some seed. He was just so happy even the ladies husband said he never seen him so happy. She said we are lucky that there were a few others that wanted to buy him but said he was spolen for . I have never been happier. bird13.jpg


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Congrats! The waiting is maddening - I feel for you! One day seems like a million days :) Your baby is very handsome and I'm sure you'll have many stories to tell and pictures to share as he continues to grow and prosper.


Keep us posted!


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Guest briansmum

he's beautiful! i bet you can't wait. sounds like you deffinately have the bird for you. keep us posted!

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