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Shivering Grey?


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Congo my pet grey is 5 months old and I've had him/her for 3 weeks now. It's recently shivering like if it's freezing cold? Is it? I Keep the temp. in my house at 75 average and it never drops below 73. I've even adjusted the temp. to 77-75. Does anyone know about this or observed this with their CAG? I hope it's not a dietary deficiency or ailment. When I see it do this I pick it up and it seems just fine. I don't remember my previous CAG doing this, although it did drop its wings and kind of pant. Does anybody recognize this or offer any advice? Thanx.:unsure: CongoBW2-1216514e139387b49b95eb5ba814ea97.jpg


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Greys can shiver for a variety of reasons,excitment or when their nervous,when they wake from being asleep they often appear to shiver but are putting their feathers back in place,they often shiver after a nice soaking / bath, their muscles will vibrate to increase the air flow under their feathers to help them dry. This looks like a shiver.As long as your grey is not shivering constantly then it's nothing to worry about ;)

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Well yeah it looks like both a shiver and/or shake and no it does not constantly do this. It is most evident when I get close to the cage and give it a treat. Like you said; lovemygreys, fixing of the feathers follows this behavior. Thanks Nychsa and lovemygreys.:)

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Precious appears to shiver at times and I, too, have been concerned.:(The vet attendant noticed it at our last visit, the vet herself acknowledged it, but did not seem worried. I do stroke Precious when it happens and it usually stops right away. Shaking is different and occurs after a bath or when rearranging her feathers.:whistle:

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