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Lola is doing Great!

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Hiya Friends!!

I know it's been a while since I last posted but I wanted to give you all a heads up on my baby female CAG. She is bigger and doing awesome! At this time she just say: PAPA!! Whenever She see's me. This past Monday I adopted a baby Tiel from a friend that could'nt keep him because he was a bitter and agressive with everyone in his family. Well I brought him home. Named him Punky and he is approx 4-5 months old. The first day I left him alone and the second day I proceeded to hand tame him. Yup, It took about three days but now I have him sleeping on top of my fingers and whenever I place him back in his cage he starts to Screech and jumps on the side of the cage as to say pick me up again,LOL! He is in another room separated from my CAG at this time.Punky is Yellow in color with a slightish grey on his wings. Hope everyone is doing greeat here!!


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Hi danmcq,

I've been so busy with work and then cleaning after Lola after coming home that many times I just don't have time to e-mail People,LOL! Will try to post some photo's. Punky has settled in very well and He is very Friendly with my whole family. Even my German Shepherd does'nt bother him. I quess some People don't have Chemistry with Animals? My Friend cannot believe that Punky does'nt bite me or any members of my family.

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Thanks for updating us on what is going on in your life with a new tiel, yep some people do have a way with animals. Glad to hear Lola is doing just fine, now slow down a bit and let us hear from you more often, don't be a stranger, ya hear;) :)

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Hi Judy!!

Well we just arrived home with another Tiel! This Bird Shop was closing and selling off her birds for 50 percent off. Well we rescued this Abino (Totally White Cockatiel) She is 5 months old and very cute. We then purchased a new Tiel cage and gave her a bath. So now we have Three Birds! Lola (Our Doll), Punky and Cloud. Judy you are right!! I will stay in touch.;) I've stopped by numerous of times just to check in but did not place a post! Thank You for your reply!!



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Judo wrote:

Judy you are right!! I will stay in touch.;)


I think a lot of us are very busy but we manage to find a little time to check in and see what is going on with the others from time to time. You don't have to check in every day like I do but certainly a couple of times a month isn't too much to ask is it, we want to hear updates on Lola, maybe a pic now and then, thanks Will.

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