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Why is Boo biting harder?


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We've had Boo now for 5 months since he was weaned. He's almost 9 months old and rotten to the core. I've always noticed he was aggressive towards our Jack Russels and lately he's been even more aggressive towards 2 young kittens we rescued. He'll literally chase the kittens if he sneaks onto the floor. And he's always been jealous of our cockatiels. Is there a reason he's become more jealous? Also, he's started holding his wings down and attempting to regurgitate on me and my husband. I know this isn't bad but what does this behavior mean?


He's also started biting hard for some reason. It's not aggressive at all or anything like that. So, why has he started doind this? How can I stop him from biting so hard?


Also, he still behaves the same but hasn't been getting so aggressive with his toys. For example, he has a new swing and new toy in his cage that hung near his cage for weeks, and as far as I know he hasn't touched them. And he doesn't really play with his new play gym either. And all these new things were introduced to him well before they came in contact with him. So what is going on?<br><br>Post edited by: BooBaby, at: 2008/07/19 10:23

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Im not an expert but my common sense says its jealousy. Him regurgitating food to you is the ultimate love for you hes trying to feed you. If hes doing it in his bage alone maybe he has a stomach problem but if hes on your shouldr and saying here have some of my food then its normal my grey does that too, whens hes being lovey dovey. My guess is the new animals in your home and taking away from his time with you. To this day and ive had Zuri my grey for a year now anytime he sees me pickign up my Alexandrine Tiago he puffs right up and begs for my attention. As for toys i bought zuri a cool new toy and for weeks it sat on his play stand and then one day it became his fav toy so he'll come around. His biting is aggression for jealousy thats my 2 cents.

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I agree with zooman on the aggression being attributed primarily to jealousy and wanting you to himself.


The regurgitating is him showing his love for you, as having his wings down is also.


As for the harder bites, they start testing their limits and also want to perhaps let you know they do not want to step up for be scratched at that particular time. It normally does not draw blood, but is a lot of pressure to let you know they mean what they say. :-)


On toys, play-stands etc. Some Greys love to play and some don't. Some will not find a $60 toy interesting, but love playing with a wadded up piece of paper or a 12 pack of Pepsi carton.


It's just trial and error on their likes and dislikes. :-)

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