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My name is Eve and I am a proud owner to a 1 and half old CAg named Lilo. I got him when he was about 3 months old, now he talks he sings he whisles and he even plays with me on his back! I m pretty lucky that I work at home most of the time and even when I travel, I usually take him with me. He gets to roam around the house free and his cage door is always left open.

I m looking forward to learn more from you guys about how to take better care of Lilo and I m glad that I have found this forum!!


Here is a link to a clip of him when he was about 6 months old...

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Hello Eve and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Lilo.


You are lucky that you can work from home most of the time, wish I could, that allows you to spend lots of time with Lilo. I take my grey with me occasionally to work and I take her with me when I visit my son and his family and that is a 4+ hour drive.


If you are looking for good information then look no further than the many threads that are full of good ideas and suggestions on all aspects of a grey's life and its needs. Feel free to ask any and all questions you may have and we will strive to find some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Lilo you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:)

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Thanks all..:)

I wish I could have captured more moments Of him...but everytime he see the cam, he come and chase after it...(its shiny, has buttons and its makes funny noise) o Boy...

Nice to meet you all, I m looking forward to get to know you and ur birds!!


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