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My CAG just accidentally ate my allergy pill (24ml benadryl). He got into it and crushed one whole pill.

I just called my viet and he said he should be ok because the probably just crushed it into piece and didnt really eat it but told me to keep a close eye on him and if I still feel uneasy about it, he told me to call the ASPCA the animal poison control center. I called but before I can talk to any "real" person, they asked to paid $60.

Anyways... it has been almost 1 hr since he ate the pill, he seens fine and is playing and making noises as usual. just wondering if anyone has the similar experience. I would really appreciate some support or input.

THnaks so much!!!

(I apologist for my fisrt post on this forum to be like this and not properly intoducing myself)

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Benadryl or diphenhydramine has a listing for high sedative effects as well as high anticholinergic effects. In humans this includes dry mouth and blurred vision and can include difficult breathing or respiratory arrest. TOXIC EFECTS ARE SEEN WITHIN TWO HOURS IN HUMANS. Hopefully the bird did not injest any. I would encourage close observation for several more hours. So sorry for your concern and worry! :unsure: :ohmy: :( kittykittykitty

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OMG, but I hope that your Cag is fine now that more than several hours have lapsed since the incident but please update us on this as I will worry about this until I hear he is ok.


Please introduce yourself in the welcome room after you recover from this episode so you can tell us a little more about you and this Cag.

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Thanks for all your replies, Lilo seens ok now, I thought he was acting a little dazed before but I was probably just paranoid. He is sleeping right now and asked for his wah-wah(water) and scratches as usual before he went to sleep. I will still keep a close eye on him through out the night and by tommarrow morning I will let him fly again, since i didnt let him fly around the house before, in case he was drowsy. Will def. keep you guys updated. THanks Again!!

(going to the welcome room right now :) )

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hi all,

I M very glad to report that Lilo is perfectly fine now. and yes, this is not his first time he got into trouble. When I first got him at the petshop, they had recommanded clipping his wings. At the time I read mixed opinon about it and regretably took their advice. Anyways, he didnt fly too well for the first year or so, One day, he flew and crash landed on my hard wood floor and busted his chest open.. I took him to the vet right away and he recieved a couple of stitches and had to wear this cone around his neck for like 2 weeks. :( ,ANyways, glad to report that everything is fine now :side:

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