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i know we women hate the word 'housework' :) but it has to be done all the same. my question is when do you have time? owning a grey:blink: i have had monty a week now and because i work 2.30pm until 9.30pm i am determined to let him have as much time out of his cage during his hours with me, then my hubby is in around tea time and he has him out too, do you ladies out there pop from room to room i.e lounge kitchen,dinning room, whilst your bird is out of the cage?i am scared to leave him for 2 seconds:unsure: he is fully flighted, we have no other pets so will it be fine to leave him on his stand if i have to go into the kitchen?i wouldnt go upstairs or outside and leave him unattended. I have been on this site for a while prior to having monty but cant seem to find any threads on this topic. thanks

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I do leave Klaus for VERY short periods to dash from room to room.

His cage is very centrally located, so I can work in almost any room and still keep one eye on him at least. But I wouldn't leave him out of the cage for any extended period ...right now I need to pop outside and water my flowers, but I'm waiting for someone to get home and sit with Klaus for me so I can do that. Also, Klaus is about 1-1/2 years old and has been living here over a year. So I can put him in his cage when I'm home if I need to. He forgives me! LOL

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Who does housework, my hubby has been doing the dusting the last few days, I wasn't so he did it for me;) but Josey pretty much stays on her playstand while I go from room to room, if I get out of her sight she will call at me and I will answer.:P

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Judy, Judy, Judy...... ;-)


We just take Dayo along on our shoulder as we do things around the house. Just remember before you walk out the door to check your shoulder though. :S After having them their for a while, you forget they are tagging along and I can guarantee you they won't say anything either to stop the trip outside with you. ;-)

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Liath usually sits on my shoulder while I do what little housework I absolutely HAVE to do to keep the house from caving in :P One of her first phrases that she learnt to say was "Doing the washing"! Oisin is clipped and he is perfectly happy to hang out around or on his cage. And I often leave both of them together there while I work in the next room.

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Edison likes to follow me around on the floor while I'm doing housework... he especially loves the mop. It's not as big of a deal now that we're in an apartment- since the distance is less and we don't have multiple floors.

In the house I've left him in rooms for a few minutes while I went to do something else. If he wasn't determined to watch me then he'd sit somewhere and be fairly content.

You could probably leave Monty for a few minutes but be aware of your other pets as well. :)

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My house is pretty open and the birds are centerally located, so they can pretty much see me all the time. If I leave for another room, Jiggy flies after me and Bella glides to the floor and waddles after me - we call it her "stealth mode" because she makes her wings low and puts her head down. She looks like one of those stealth bombers :laugh: Plus she thinks she's being sneaky which is always funny!


Dan - good point re: looking on your shoulder before you go outside! Jiggy flies on to my shoulder all the time and he's such a light weight, I forget his there when I'm busy!

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thanks for all the replys guys i have been leaving monty for a few mins at a time and he seems fine about it, don't have any other pets so thats not a worry, its the fact he might fly to see where i am, but he is learning and he just seems to fly from play stand to cage if im in the kitchen and stands on top of his cage and trys to look around the corner into the kitchen:laugh: when i get a small stand i can wheel around with me, then i will take him in there too. we have a large conservatory too and he loves it in there but i dont have blinds up so worry about him flying into the glass, although 2 sides are frosted so only have the front thats plain, i have 3 perches with suckers on for him in there and a java tree so he has plenty to land on:) i dont leave him unattended in there tho..

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I guess you could call this an advantage to having a bird that's basically cage-bound. I can leave the room for a few minutes and all he'll do is move to the part of the cage where he has the best view of the door. I say 'be right back" and he seems to have figured out that means I'm just leaving for a couple minutes. It's also one of his favorite phrases! I'm hoping that one day his curiosity will get the better of him and I'll turn around to see him following me. I'd gladly put a perch in every room of the house if he'd come exploring with me!

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I must admit I just leave them alone in a room when I go and do something in another room like the housework. I tell them where I am going and ask if they want to come, sometimes they step up and come along and other times they don't so I just leave them.


They know what room I am in and can fly to me if they need something. I also know when they are up to something as they have tells. Our male goes really quiet or he starts to talk really loud and then I know he is up to no good.


I check on them every so often and make sure they have lots to keep them occupied. I also call to them from whatever room I am in so they know I am still there.


They seem quite content by themsleves either playing or talking. It is so cute to hear the flap of wings and then to see this little head peak over the top of the door to see what I am up to.

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wow..now I dont know if i M doing the right thing..

Lilo Pretty much roams around the house free all the time. Lilo's cage is in the Living room so when I m home he follows me from room to room. When I m not home, I close all the doors and leave the cage door open. There isnt too much in the Living room, I tried to make it as bird proof as possible (cover all the wires, outlets etc..) so i feel safe leaving him there by himself. Do you guys think I should be more cautious?

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My husband has made several smaller stands so we can move them room to room (if there's not a stand in that room already)if we're tending to things in another room. I never leave Harrison alone out of her cage. If I need to do something where I can't grab her in an emergency...like taking a shower or something...then she goes back in her cage during my shower. Di2008, I share your guilt about having her out of her cage as long as possible due to work schedules...I HATE putting her back in her cage...and Harrison knows it so she plays me...ahhh what would we do without our little ones, huh? ;)


P.S. What time is tea time?

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Our Grey is terrified of the vacuum cleaner (ACK! BIG NOISY MONSTER!!!), so he's quite happy to stay locked up in his cage whenever I have to vacuum. All other cleaning waits until they are all safe tucked away in their sleep cages at night, then the real cleaning begins. We do it every night, so the workload is a lot lighter than if we only cleaned once a week or so. :)

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i dont know how yu guys feel about clipping your bird but i made the descsion to clip zuri and i have to say i feel better knowing he cant get far id hate to lose him to a door being open etc. As for leaving him well he'd love to be on me 24/7 I work night shift so im awake from like noon to work time so as soon as i get up and sometimes the boys can hear me move and start yapping it up to fully awaken me. I actually leave them on their playstand all day do they ever slip and fly off yep..but ive made a way up they have climbed up and right back up. When i leave the room they whistle and call me and i call back and this is my life..haha. what im trying to say is if you have limited their mobility and have constructed a semi bird proof area i feel confident in leaving the boys when i do work in other rooms. Funny story once i fell asleep on a weekend on the couch and the boys my timneh and my aleaxandrine decided it was getting dark out so they flew well half flew to their cage climbed up and went to bed in their cage in their room. How i slept through that is another story.

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cor i must have a unique boy i just leave him out most of the time and he just stays on his cage doing his own thing , have found that he loves to be in the glass porch so he stays in his cage with windows open at mo then late afternoon i have shut windows and just left him out , i don't let him on chairs ever so he doesn't seem to bother just happy wih his own space :)

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