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Odd Behavior


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Greetings everyone!


Well, what do you make of this:


My vet told me Bella would be sexually mature at the age of 5. She's 14 months right now. So, I have no reason to believe her recent odd behavior is some kind of sexual behavior - or is it?


Yesterday she started rubbing her neck and head all over my feet, making little panting, and squeeking sounds, and dropping her wings down very low. In fact, she got so into it, she fell off the couch :blink: I mean, to me, it looked like she was having some kind of puberty-like experience. But, she's only 14 months old.


The other thing I was wondering - maybe she's mimicking the dogs? Greyhounds do something we call the "greyhound mosh" - when they first see you after you've been away for a while they surround you and rub themselves all over you, making panting and happy little squeeky sounds.


So - for all your experienced grey moms and dads - what do you think? Doggy mimicking or pre-puberty? :S

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She's very likely beginning her "teens." My Grey has also been suffering from hormone ups'n'downs, crazy one day, super lovey-dovey the next.... Jeckyll & Hyde behaviour. From my research along these lines, they are living on a hormone roller coaster until they reach their 5th hatchday. By then, they stabilize - that's probably what the vet is referring to. :lol:

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Oy vey! From now until she's 5???? :S :S :S I mean, she's not obnixous or mean or anything, she's just wierd!!! :laugh: I mean, can you imagine her getting so amourous that falls off the couch!!!


She's also clearly uncomfortable with her feathers. She and Jiggy both have those little pin feathers now coming in after their molt, and she is really fussing with those. I imagine it's like having little needles all over. She's still loosing some feathers - when she walks they just fall out. I was a little disappointed that she didn't loose all the clipped feathers. I thought she could jet around with Jiggy - even had a dream about her flying last night.


Oh well, maybe I'll take pictures of her teen behavior and show them to her when she's all grown up so she can see what a pain she was as a teen :laugh:




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Terri- Lyric will be 2 at the end of August and we've been going through his little ups and downs for a few months now. He is great at throwing little temper tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants. I try to be a patient mom and be understanding with him. He's real bad when he doesn't want to go back in his cage. When he's had a lot of time out of his cage and attention he can be a sweet little angel- singing little songs he makes up and giving me kisses. I don't think they can help themselves- like a teenager they just have to go through this stage. I'm right in the middle of all this with you so just let me know if you need to talk about whats going on. Believe me it will take some patience on all our parts to get through it!!

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Well, hopefully it will continue that way for you. One of Lyric's favorite pastimes is looking for ways to excite/annoy my puppy. Watching them is like watching two brothers that like to torment each other. Lyric will fly from his cage to a lamp- the puppy runs to follow him, Lyric knows he is not supposed to be on the lamp. He flies back to his cage, the puppy follows him. And so it goes- until we've all had enough and Lyric gets put back in his cage or the puppy gets taken to another room. I suppose if his wings were clipped he may be a little more well behaved, but I can't bring myself to clip his wings, he loves to fly so much and I think it is good exercise for him.

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Ah, Lyric is a little boy alright! he looks SO SWEET in your picture with him! Bella can get onery, but I didn't know it might be related to hormones. She's always been very active and full of personality, so I figured she was just being Bella. But the whole love-gone-crazy thing was a bit freaky! She's got it in for my feet! I posted a video recently on here where she was quite lovey with my feet! Nothing like having a grey with a foot fetish!

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Nychsa - Bella is in love with your feet, not you. ;-)


Just put your feet down or wear some socks so Bella knows your feet are taken already....... She will need to find another Foot somewhere. :P


I can just imagine the child produced..... aww look at the Grey with one HUGE foot.....it "Hops" everywhere :laugh: B)

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I noticed something strange that my CAG was doing a few days ago. She was was scraping her feet on the floor like she was trying to burrow or forage.........is she infact foraging and how can I help her.





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Yeah I call it the chicken scratch because that is what it reminds me of and Josey still does it a little but I ignore it.


Terri Josey is 2 years old now too but I haven't noticed any unusual behavior yet that I could attribute to hormones but I will keep my eyes open and be prepared for it, jeez what next:blink: :whistle: :silly:

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danmcq wrote:

Nychsa - Bella is in love with your feet, not you. ;-)


Just put your feet down or wear some socks so Bella knows your feet are taken already....... She will need to find another Foot somewhere. :P


I can just imagine the child produced..... aww look at the Grey with one HUGE foot.....it "Hops" everywhere :laugh: B)


Ok Dan - you are just one sick puppy!!:P Feet don't reproduce or I failed biology :laugh:


She is in love with my feet :blink: Last night she was holding on to my toe with her foot and then she "gurged" on my foot :S

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judygram wrote:

Yeah I call it the chicken scratch because that is what it reminds me of and Josey still does it a little but I ignore it.


Terri Josey is 2 years old now too but I haven't noticed any unusual behavior yet that I could attribute to hormones but I will keep my eyes open and be prepared for it, jeez what next:blink: :whistle: :silly:


Judy paint your toe nails red and put your feet up on the couch when Josey is there with you - that might just do the trick for her too!

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Oh I don't know Terri, I painted my fingernails a couple of weeks ago and she about freaked out on me when she saw them, I don't usually wear nail polish. I think I will just let you be the one with a grey that has a foot fetish.:lol: :cheer:

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judygram wrote:

Oh I don't know Terri, I painted my fingernails a couple of weeks ago and she about freaked out on me when she saw them, I don't usually wear nail polish. I think I will just let you be the one with a grey that has a foot fetish.:lol: :cheer:



:laugh: Thanks Buddy!!! :P

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Hi there Nims, Bella used to borrow when she was very young, but it stopped over time. Bella doesn't care for cardboard boxes either. The blow dryer doesn't bother her though I try to keep it from her as I'm not sure if there is teflon in it. Some have teflon in them.




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