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im moving from nj to tennesee by car with my 7 yr


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I would recommend that you get a travel cage if you don't have one already and get your grey used to using it so it is not scary to him.


I use one for Josey when I take her along when we visit my son and it is a 4+ hour drive but it will work for longer trips. I don't recommend letting the grey ride on your shoulder, for one thing he will be dumping down your back and two if someone opens a window, zap he may be gone in an instant.


Put a few toys inside the cage along with some food and a little water, just enough for him to get him a few sips but not so full that water sloshes all over the place.


My Josey rides real well this way, she has a bell that hangs inside that travel cage and she bangs it around to hear it ring and has gotten so she talks some now that she has become a pro at riding in the vehicle.


I'm sure he is going to notice something is happening because of the different activity going on while you begin packing and such, try to keep things as normal as possible to keep from upsetting him and the move will go more smoothly.

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Hi Tilliesmom,


I moved from Maryland to Florida with 1 CAG, 1 conure, 2 greyhounds and one New Yorker (from the Bronx) in a cross over SUV :laugh:


I used the Avian Adventures Avian Hotel and put them right behind our seats so they could see everything straight ahead and out the windows. They had water and food in the car. We made arrangements to stop in North Carolina in a pet friendly hotel where we could keep the dogs and parrots. It was a Marriot Residence Inn, very comfortable!


Bella, my CAG LOVED riding in the car - she was paying such close attention to everything - almost like a co-pilot :laugh:


So, lots of water, food, and a nice comfortable transport cage...

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One thing to be aware of, is that birds can get car sick also. I use a clear plastic travel cage so my TAG can see every where. Luckily she does not get car sick, but one of our Sun Conures does. Just cover the cage and it helps them alot.

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