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I think he's getting spoiled or something. He loves me to cuddle him at my chest. Now that he's flying he keeps coming to me. I don't want to shoulder perch so I had to put him in his cage to get some work done. He was out for awhile prior. He is scratching away at the bottom corner of the cage as though he can dig his way out like a puppy. I wonder if he'd go so far as to hurt his pads?! He is dumping his food bowl I think to get my attention. Any ideas? Thanks, Mel.

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Okay he's calmed down and perching in his cage. I wonder if it's because he can see me at the computer?! Hmmm...I may have to consider putting him in the living room. I just thought he should learn to retire away from us in the less trafficky computer room in order for him to be used to some alone/independant time since I will begin work when school starts. Hmmm???

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Mel nearly all greys go through the scratching at the bottom of the cage phase,it's nothing to worry about & given time he will grow out of it.As for chucking his food bowl it's a popular pastime for greys,if he does it regularly then look into getting a crock pot / lock pot there pretty fool proof Ignore this behaviour as it's often attention seeking,he will settle down if you ignore him.

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My TAG will also scratch in a corner (usually up high, not on the floor). He does this whenever he REALLY wants to be out and with me. I tell him "Sorry sweetie, but mommy has stuff to do that you can't help me with. Go play with your toys." I NEVER take him out when he scratches, or he will associate getting out with this behaviour. I then walk away and ignore this behaviour. It usually stops within a few minutes.


He has never hurt his feet doing this scratching, but one time (I wasn't home) he split the tip of his upper mandible, causing the outer surface to flake off. I took him to the vet, and she said he probably stuck his beak in a corner and pried with it. She's seen this sort of "injury" before, but it wasn't serious. She filed it down to prevent it from getting worse.


As for dumping his dishes for attention, you'll probably want to get some "lock crocks" to replace the ones he's got now. Or, some very heavy pottery/ceramic crocks that he can't maneuver. This will put an end to the tipping out of food and water. :)

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I've been told by other Grey owners (with many more years experience) that this scratching in the bottom of their cages is foraging behaviour, and it's so instinctive, that they will do it "just because."<br><br>Post edited by: M2MM, at: 2008/07/21 04:16

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That might be true but in my case I really believe he is trying to tell mke to let him out. He does it in the morning when he hears me get up or when I come home. He first started it when I picked him up and he was obviously not ready. Stinker! I am ignoring it though because I don't want him to accidentally hurt himself. I would rather he learn to ring a bell or say something. It is kinda funny though. He reminds me of a puppy!

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Used to be a budgie call, at 3 x's the volume, because he came from a pet store. Truly eardrum piercing! Now he pretty much just runs through his favourite sounds when I leave the room. Sort of like he's saying 'listen to how adorable I am, How can you stand to be away from me!':silly:

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