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Hello Forums! My Name is Patrick and myself and my soon to be wife Meg are "new" bird owners(or is that bird owned?). Both of us have had birds as children Parakeets(me) and Cockatiels(her) but never a Grey. Our new addition to the family is a CAG named Refund(the first owners purchased him with their tax refund) he's about 20 years old and has been with his second owner for the past 15-17 years. His first owners gave him up to her sometime after he bit the husband and he hit Refund in the head as retaliation, when Refund was struck it dislocated his retna causing him to go blind in his right eye. He has also been in a breeding situation for the past 5 years or so and him and his mate began plucking one another and eating their eggs, so he was removed from that about a month and a half ago. He's doing well in the 3 weeks since we got him and he'll come out of his cage take treats, toys from us and make noises at us when we're around. No talking yet but the second owner said he does talk and it may just take us time for him to trust us. We're also trying to deal with the plucking as he seems to be doing it to himself now, however it's been a lot better since we added 100% pure aloe vera juice to his morning mist bath.


I think that's the "brief" history of our time with Refund so far.



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Hello Patrick and welcome to the family, so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Refund.


Rufund has had a rough life hasn't he, poor thing being hit by his first owner, who by the way should be shot, how cruel to be treated that way and now he is forever blind in that eye, I feel so bad for him.


You have taken on a mighty task but with lots of time and patience I think you will accomplish great things with Refund. He has come a long way in the short time you have had him, imagine what some love and attention will do as he deserves it so much.


If he talked before he more than likely will again, it will just take time for him to feel comfortable doing so, I imagine it will be some time before he comes to trust you but eventually he will.


You need to read thru the many threads for lots of useful and helpful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will do our best to find you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Refund you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:)


BTW, if I knew who was his first owner, the one that hit him, I would punch his lights out, that makes me so mad:angry: :evil:

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Welcome Patrick and Refund!!!


It's great to hear you have taken Refund in and are providing him with the loving and caring home He deserves. He sounds like the new home is agreeing with him very well and you are also enjoying him. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more.

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