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Screaming Parrot!!


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Please can anybody help me, I am at the end of my tether. I bought a 2 year old African Grey parrot 10 months ago. His owner said he had to move to a small apartment and could not take Pedro with him, so I fell in love with Pedro and bought him. He is the noisiest parrot I have ever come accross, he screams when I leave the room, and even when I am there. He and I bonded the minute we met, and I love him dearly, however, because of the noise, my husband hates him - and so do my neighbours.


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I think you and I are pretty muich in the same boat. Do what I did. I did not find much help on the net on this.


All I did was I picked an hour of the day when no one was home. Say around 10 AM. Get into the room where he is at. STAY THERE. LET HIM SCREAM HIS HEART OUT. You just stay put there and go through the whole thing smiling. and talking to him pleasantly. Do not feed him.

Slowly move closer till you are about two feet away.


It took me 2.25 hours to get him quiet. He still hates my room mates, but tolerates me within 2 feet. :-)


Hope this works for you too! Give him atleast two days to be fully there. Mine just completed his 48 hours right about now!



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A very important issue it seems is not to give him 'negative' attention = reward for his screaming. That would only worsen it (I read). Give him enough attention do that because he screams: it will send out a message...

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My African Greys are not screamers, but my blue-headed Pionus is. If Azul cannot see me, he starts up. I DO NOT respond to his noise. As soon as he quiets down for a minute or two, THEN I enter the room, but I still do not let him out of his cage to be with me nor do I give him a treat. It is important not to react to their squawking because they will learn that if they squawk, you will come a-running on their cue. This method has helped with Azul, but he still makes occasional noise to let me know that he misses me.


Hope this helps, and please keep us posted!

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I too had this problem with Oggie (now 9 months)Everytime I left the room he started up. This is just his way of locating. What I did was completely ignore any noise coming from him that was irratating. I acted as if he was in a frequency that my ears did not register. I did not call back, look at him, nothing. Yet when he did quiet down I would wait till he was quiet for at least five minutes and then I would go to him and give him attention. Of course as soon as I left again he would start again but I remained dedicated and also I would wait till he was quiet and then I would call to him if I was in a different room with a simple "hello" or "whatcha doin'". It took a while but now he rarely goes off and when he does it is only for a few moments. He realized that loud outbursts do nothing but lesser calls get a response.


Good luck

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