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Picking my baby.


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Ok so I need some help from all of you seasoned and new Grey owners out there. On August 24th we are going to Des Moines Iowa for a bird show, it just so happens that the lady we are going to buy our bird from is going to be there with the entire clutch of babies and we will get our chance to pick out the one that will eventually go home with us. My question is, in a clutch of six TAG's how do you pick just one? What traits, actions, demeanor, etc.. do I look for? How will I know what one to pick? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.<br><br>Post edited by: Medic3709, at: 2008/07/17 14:11

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Ideally, let the TAG pick you. Watch them and see which one keeps coming back to interact with you. If one or two are staying away and just staring at you, they are not for you.


Once you are fairly certain that one or two continually keeping seeking you. Then start checking that all the toes are there, upper and lower beak are aligned with each other, vent is clean and surrounding feathers are clean, no sere (nose holes) blockages or discharge, eyes look alert and clear etc.


Once you have decided, write down the alpha/numeric characters off the leg band to ensure that you and the breeder know exactly which TAG you have chosen.


Good luck on your trip. I'll bet the excitement and anticipation is killing killing you. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/07/17 14:43

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danmcq wrote:

I'll bet the excitement and anticipation is killing killing you. :-)



My sentiments exactly!!:ohmy:


Dan has provided the things to look out for in selecting a new grey baby, but I think the most important one is let the baby pick you and since you have six to choose from at least one of them ought to be the one for you.:);)<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2008/07/17 14:59

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You have no idea. I am not a patient person in the first place and so many times before I have done the research and found that for some reason or another It was not a right time to get a larger bird, but this time everything has fallen into place and it kind of suprised me when I got off the phone with the lady to go take a look at them that this was really going to happen. We get to see them on the 24th but they won't be ready for pick up until about the 12th of September. In the long run the 3 1/2 hour drive will be worth it.

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Well that time will be here before you know it and then you will have a good look but yes a 3.5 hour drive is definitely worth it, even at today's gas prices.:ohmy:


Besides you may be able to pick up all kinds of good stuff at the show, probably will have toys and such for sale, I like to buy at places where I can see and handle the merchandise, have a good and safe trip.;)

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