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Effects of Shipping Greys


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Hello Grey Forums again,

I have a question regarding shipping greys.In one of my classes in Penn State we studied how shipping animals (in my case it was bovines/cows) would get "shipping fever" where they would lose about 8% of their body weight and there were some temporary psychological effects as well.So, my question is there some effects like these or maybe worse for birds that are shipped to you? I have read how you can train your parrot to be comfortable in these little "pet taxis",but I haven't read about any effects of health. I believe there is a little bit of a psychological effect only because of being a new place or territory,but i wanna make sure of it. The other question I have is that if the greys are shipped by air, do you pick them up at the airport or are they literally shipped to your door? Thanks everyone :)

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I have only had one experience with a shipped animal and that was a dog but I had to pick her up at the airport. She was the last thing loaded where she came from and the first thing unloaded at her destination.


Some of the other members have had their greys shipped to them, I think most were fine but we did have at least one member who had a harrowing experience with it but in any case maybe those members will give you some insight into the effects of air transport with a grey.

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I had my grey shipped 1500 miles to me when she was 9 weeks old. I had to pick her up at the cargo part of the airport. The attendants tend to terrorize the animals. They sometimes like to put a cat carrier up against a bird just for fun, which is what happened to my bird. Left there for about 45 minutes. :(

As far a physiological affects, There really is no way to know when first getting a grey. You would probably have a better idea if it was your grey to start with, and you shipped it and was there to pick it up.


Temperature is very important when shipping a bird. It can't be too hot, or too cold.

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I've had Geckos shipped to me here in CA. One from New York and one from Virginia. The one from Virginia, I saw the UPS man walking up to my door so I went outside to see him tossing the box from one hand to the next...back and forth...I had to tell him to stop, that there was a live animal inside. Both times the box was just labeled with "Parishable" Talon, that is so sad about your bird!! I can't imagine how she felt..poor little thing. :(

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Kumiko was shipped air freight on a non-stop flight from the Niagara region of Ontario to Vancouver (West Coast). The flight took about 5 1/2 hours and he came through just fine. The ground crews and handlers were very careful and respectful of my baby. The little fellow was a bit of celebrity with freight office staff on our end. They cleared out all the people from the office (people picking up other things) and then brought him in for us to take home. This minimized his stress. BUT, he was very tired from the long and strange experience. :silly:

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I know some people on this forum have had good experiences with it and others bad. I personally wouldn't want to ship a grey. I think it would be very traumatic for them to go through all that at a young age. You have no control over how people will treat it along the way. Some people respect and love animals and some people don't care at all about them. From what I've heard, they have to be picked up at the airport.

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I just picked up my bird last weekend, The breeder was great, I cannot say enough good things about her.


Anyway, we had the option of having her shipped to us, but we decided to drive over 7 hours one way to get her ourselves. Plus, then we could spend some time with the breeder and get a good feel on the bird.


But I guess the 7 hour car ride back could have been traumatic too....


But at least I know she was well cared for in my car.<br><br>Post edited by: Sallas, at: 2008/07/18 19:22

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Lacey was shipped via Alaska Airlines from California to Alaska. I was a complete wreck that day worrying about her. When I picked her up the cargo agents had her right there on the counter with them talking to her...it was a huge relief. She seemed completely fine. When I got her home she played and ate and preened. I feel so lucky that she didn't have a bad experience.:unsure:

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