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Odors, candles, cleaning...


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I have a few questions I am unclear about.


Are all candles bad or just the ones with metal wicks?


I read that cut lemons or soda powder are best. I really didn't know cut lemons were used this way.


I have ceramic downstairs so I mop. I usu use mop detergent with a little bit of bleach.


I keep a spray bottle of water and bleach mix to clean up dog accidents in between.


I usu use lil bleach water for cages, kennels, etc.


I have used bleach wipes between cleanings on animal dwellings.


Are these safe practices?

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All candles are a NO NO!

And Bleach fumes are very harmful especially for our feathered friends. Perhaps you could use a pet safe product, or as slmclean stated, vinegar is much safer and does an excellent job. (although I don't use it, can't stand the smell!) But others use it successfully.

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I use Kitty litter instead of newspaper in Roxy's cage, there are NO smells now because it absorbs the moisture, unlike the newpaper that gives off a bad odour.


Hope it helps someone.

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I don't bleach often, but when I do, I move Klaus into the room farthest away, open all the windows, and turn on all the fans.

I will light a candle very, very occasionally just because I've always loved candles and miss them since I got Klaus. I think moderation (and ventilation) are key.

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