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how monty is doing


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hi all an update on monty, he is such a cutie and has settled in fantastically:) he is eating more fruits and veggies now than when we first brought him home so i'm please about that, got a wellness check up with the vet in the morning so hope all goes well there, sure it will:unsure: , i have to leave him for the first time this afternoon cus gotta go back to work:(

monty loves to fly and is getting better at it every day, i am really surprised how he fly's to me and back to his stand when he wants to, i thought it would take a few weeks to get him to do this, he also steps up on command too. he seems to adore my hubby to (more than me sometimes:angry: :laugh: )he is already trying to talk, sounds like 'hello' and the occasional 'what u doing' so all in all he seems at home i think :P

oh and by the way he loves to sleep on his belly, on my belly, this is so cute, hope he doesnt grow out of that as we get lots of cuddles;)

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hi mel he is about 14wks old will know more when hatch cert comes through, his wellness check up at the vets went well she fell in love with him and told me if i go away she does bird sitting :) .

just need to get montys light fixed up then we'll be well away

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Well it sounds like you have yourself a wonderful new baby and that all is well with him. Isn't it nice when they like to cuddle I like that part the best. I'm hoping one day I'll be able to snuggle with Tyco. If not thats okay too I wouldn't trade her for love or money I love her so much I didn't think it was possible to love a animal that much until I got my first bird when I was on my own 30 yrs ago. They are just so special I would never want to know what life would be like without them. I have a couple birds that really like to cuddle they are so sweet. Pat

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  • 2 weeks later...

monty has settled in wonderfully but has started to do this high pitched whistle/screech. he does it when you go out of the room and also when you're talking to him, im sure he thinks that he is calling you or answering you, i dont want him to think this so we have been ignoring him when he does it and even putting him back in his cage, but the moment i put him in his cage he goes into his talking voice saying hello:blink: :unsure: so then i take him back out and he screeches again bless him:laugh: has anyone got any suggestions on how to get him to stop screeching and talk back .. he is only 4 1/2 months old tho is he a bit to young to understand yet?

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Unfortunately Di parrots will & do make a variety of high pitched whistles, screeches etc..When you are out of sight monty is calling you for your attention.Some people will reply just to reassure their parrot their still around but just out of sight or as i would suggest just ignore him,dont return to him until he is quiet,if you go to him when he screeches or calls you,you are just reinforcing the behaviour you don't want.

If you return him to his cage for a specific reason then dont immediately get him back out,leave him for 5 mins then allow get him out :)

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You could try to change the contact call to something exceptable like a 2or 3 note whistle when you leave the room and he screeches return the screech with a whistle and he will soon learn to return your call the same way its called a contact call I have one for all my birds and they all use it

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haha!! judy if only:P i will try to get him to change his contact call, i thought this was what he was doing calling us. as for returning him to his cage i do this and leave him for 5 mins or so but he usually starts saying hello and what u doing the minute i put him in:blink: little monkey:P

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monty has just had a fall in his cage, he's done this a few times im am always out of the room and just hear a flapping of wings then he's at the bottom..he's a grazed above his eye is there anything i should do? he hasn't broken the skin so there is no bleeding and it doesnt seem to be bothering him( just me:( )are they always this clumsy or is it just monty:blink: i have sent a pic to the vet via email and am awaiting her reply

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Di Wrote: "has anyone got any suggestions on how to get him to stop screeching and talk back .. he is only 4 1/2 months old tho is he a bit to young to understand yet?"


Are you kidding? He's a 4 1/2 month old baby. ;-) He does understand at this point that 1) He loves you 2) He wants to see you 3) He wants to be with you 4) He wants to ensure you are still within Ear shot 5) He lets you know when he is excited when he see's you.


I may view vocalization a little differently than others. I have always encouraged Dayo to communicate with us. I also ensure he learns when he uses the correct whistle or word through association and acknowledgement from my end by my return call, word or action.


I want Dayo to communicate all his needs and concerns as effective as possible. Just as I would a young child. It is the only way we know if something is 1) Wrong 2) needed "Water"? 3) Causing fear 4) Am I in the house 4) When he is silent, when normally he would be vocalizing, I know something is wrong with him or his surroundings or he is into something he is off-limits ;-)


I treat him just like a 2 or 3 year old child that is constantly learning to interact and communicate with an adult. If he uses something incorrectly, I respond with the correct answer.


Dayo will start contact calling when I drive up in the Driveway and open the electronic Garage door. As he knows I am getting closer by the succession of sounds such as the Car Alarm Chirp, The Garage door closing, he becomes increasingly excited and vocal. Just like a young child dancing up and down, smiling and saying "Yay, Daddies Home. Daddies Home!! :-)


Your baby is still very dependant upon you and needful. He will grow out of this soon enough. You will actually start missing some of the baby sounds like the "Panting" and constant "Hand tugging on your shirt tail" as it starts subsiding and your Baby ages into teen and adulthood.


Enjoy the "Baby" moments". :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi all just thought i'd add a few more pics of monty :)

he is a little ***:whistle: darling:laugh: but OMG sooo messy :blink: today i bought him yet more toys , see him in the pics they cost me £4.99 each from the cheap shop.. and i also bought an apple tree, this is going in my conservatory for him to climb on and chew once the branches get thicker.. is he ok chewing on the leaves and stripping the bark? i have hosed it down to make sure there no ikky pestisides on it





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I talk to all my birds like the where children and I find that allot of the time they resond correctly Tyco always responds correctly she is just amazing me and my Daughter will be talking and she will say something and before I get a chance to answer Tyco will answer and give the correct response sometimes its a little scarry just to see how smart they really are for little Grey Birds

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