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Bird travel carriers


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I would like to be able to take the bird out safely. I have been looking at carriers and found several that all sound good on line but I would like some recommendations. I am not fond of awkward kennels to carry around. I am looking at a backpack type carrier and I think Winston would love to get out to see the world.


Any ideas?

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I read some place about carriers, not sure where. One owner said the acrylic ones got too hot, even though supposedly vented. The recommendation was for a front carrier with netting of some type so the bird was safe, could see out and could be seen. It included a perch. Wish I could remember where I saw this.

:ohmy: :unsure: :( :huh: kittykittykitty

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We have the adventure pack which is a back pack cage. To be honest we haven't used it yet as the birds freaked when they saw the fact that it was covered. I also thought it was a bit small if you are having them out for a long time. I did leave it out and tried to entice them in but it didn't work.


We now use a small dog cage that you can collapse down. The birds seem to love it becuase they have a clear view all around them, it is easy to clean and very light to carry.

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I have the adventure pack and another collapsable travel cage that is bigger than the adventure pack. I use the bigger one for Josey and the adventure pack for Sunny, my sun conure.


You can do a search online for collapsable travel carriers to find where to purchase as I don't recall exactly where I got mine but it was at an online site.

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I agree they aren’t inexpensive, but they asked for recommendations for carriers that people have. Now, of course I don’t have one, but have heard raves about his one. At some point if I get a bird I can travel with I would consider it. To me the adventure packs don’t look like they would be comfortable to wear. I wouldn’t rule them out, but I would want to see one in person prior to purchasing. What are your experiences with it? Does the cage rub on your back or is the back cushioned?

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Lauri, personally I have never used it as a backpack, I use it for my sun conure when she has to go somewhere or to the vet. I use another collapsible travel cage for Josey, my grey and you can get it from the country roost, I have included a link for it, comes with one perch, two bowls and has a slide out tray in the bottom. She has spent several days in it when I have taken her with me to visit family with some out of cage time also, the link shows two and I got the larger one.



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We have three Adventure Packs, and are very happy with them. All our birds are comfortable with them and enjoy outings in them. I know they seem expensive, but they are well made and are constructed of stainless steel, with a plastic tray (with removable insert) and a custom canvass cover that acts as a backpack. We use them as birdy car seats, carriers, backpacks, and for going to the vet (our vet loves it.) It's likely you would never need to buy another carrier, as they're very durable.


You can order them online from many different sources. The manufacturer also sells direct (useful for international ordering.)<br><br>Post edited by: M2MM, at: 2008/07/16 22:12

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Neat back packs but expensive! I like the collapsable motel. We added a perch to a dog kennel for vet travel. Got it from a thrift store. Hehe! I might experiment adding net/screen to a used back/front carrier, etc. Hmmm....

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Nikko adores her Adventure Pack! She loves to go on outings. She freaked initially, and I had to stuff her in the first couple of times, but then she realized that Adventure Pack = ride in the car + visit to the park. Now, whenever she see me get it out, she stretches, poops, and puts her foot out to be picked up.

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