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Now that I have both a TAG & a CAG, I am seeing some amazing differences in their traits. Other than the obvious physical traits (such as coloring and size) between a TAG & a CAG, they are different in many ways. My CAG appears to be more intellectual, you can see her mind working all the time trying to figure things out mentally, where as my TAG will physically try to figure things out by doing! Althiugh my tag talks way more than my cag, and has a much bigger vocabulary, I have found that my cag is content to just sit where ever I put her for a much longer period of time than my tag who constantly has to keep busy! :S

I do know that many will say it is a difference in personality, but I can see it is much more than that. I am curious to see if others owners of both species have seen such an obvious difference. I have only had my cag for a week, but I am learning so much from the subtle differences they have.

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Guest briansmum

thats really interesting and i bet you will notice loads more. i dont have both but as i have mentioned brians (CAG) new holiday sitters have a TAG and i have spent some time with them both together and what you said about the CAG thinking and TAG doing are true, for example i offered both birds a piece of chip and the TAG immediatley ate it through the bars, brian took hold of it and began turning it to get it through the bars so he could hold it.

they seemed to be very similar in character though, both outgoing, active and boisterous. although brians speech is clearer, which is usually what i have heard to be the case CAG being more talkative than TAG.

perhaps your CAG still has some coming out of her shell to do?

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It might be that Rikki is still settling in. There's a "honeymoon period" where a newly adopted bird is more subdued than they normally would be. Rikki might end up as active as Talon in a month or two :ohmy:.


Keep us updated! I'd love to hear what else you discover about your 2 girls :).

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I only have a TAG, BUT he is definitely a learn-by-doing type of guy. I still can see the "wheel turning" when he's observing what we do and say. You might say that TAGs are "blue collar" and CAGs are "white collar." :lol:

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This breeder Iv'e been talking with tells me that he does notice a more stubborn and intelligence in his CAGS and his TAGS have a more mellow personality.He also said his TAGS seem to be more quiet too. I still wouldnt trade Alcazar though.Love his noises, most of the time.

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