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Hi from Birmingham

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Hi every body im Ricquay (its said Ricky), i have just found this forum and thought i would register and introduce myself, im 24 years old and my intrests are my fish at the moment (discus in particular), but after a vist to my local pet shop i noticed they had 2 11 week old African Greys hand reared and they was absolutly beautiful i had them all over me and they had my finger in their beak and they was so cute and friendly. so after leaving them at the shop i had a long think and i am really considering getting one of these little fellas but i want to do some research first to make sure i can offer him/her exactly what they need. i dont think i would get one from the shop i would prefer to get one from a breeder who can offer alot info at the same time (oh and the price in the shop wasnt to appealing either:ohmy: )


well thats about it from me im off now to how a look through your forum to find out as much info i can about these wonderful birds.


if any one can offer any tips for a new keeper i would be greatly appreaciative



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Hello Ricquay and welcome to the family, so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your quest for a grey.


Have you ever had a parrot before? Greys can be demanding creatures and unlike some other parrots require your love and attention every day. They simply cannot be put in a cage and admired, they have to have some interaction with their flock and have some one on one time with their owner, they are a lifetime committment and you must be sure this is what you really want and not just a whim because they are so adorable looking as babies.


I don't mean to come down on you so hard right off the bat but so many people have gotten themselves a grey only later to have to give it up because they didn't research properly and realize what they were getting themselves into.


You will find a load of useful information in our many threads, just read thru them at your leisure and don't hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have, we will give you our best answers and help you in any way we can.


We have members here who have more than one grey and who have gotten their greys as babies and as rehomed adults, so we have a vast knowledge of them and can speak from experience, after spending some time here you will find out if a grey is the right bird for you.


In the meantime browse around the site and chat with some of the members and other members will chime in with their insights and opinions.:)

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Thank you very much for the welcome judygram , i personally have never kept parrot before but my mom has a blue fronted amazon that she has had for for a few years she got him as a rehomed adult bird , i have a fair idea what i will be letting myself into but i spend alot of time in my house with my partner and my 4 year old son , and if we decide to go ahead with getting a baby grey it will be a family dicision and the baby grey would become one of the family and be with us for its entire life.


like i said in my first post i am here to learn as much as i can about this bird even if at the end i decided now isnt the time to get a new baby i would have at least looked and i would know about the bird for the future for when the right time comes;)


i dont think was was coming down on me to hard at all after all you care alot about the welfare of these birds and i fully understand that you want to make sure i know what i will be letting myself in for. we get this all the time with the fish we keep people think they can just get the fish put it in a tank full of water and thats it , without understanding what the fish requires:angry:


thank you again



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After being around all of us for a while you will find out if this particular bird is right for you and yes it is a family decision for the whole family will be a part of the flock. It sounds like you would make a good parront to a grey if you decide it is the one for you.

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thank you slmclean and Talon for the warm welcome


can anyone confirm if there is a article section on this forum as i can see a link to add a article but i can see one to see current articles.


thank you jagz

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Hi Ricquay, and welcome to the forum. There are some links to articles on the Home page, and there are also some under the Health and Nutrition tab at the very top of the page. In the Nursery section there is lots of info about the first 2 years of your grey's life.


Another way of finding information on specific topics is by using the search box at the top and you can search for previous threads on the topic.


Or if all this fails, you can always ask a question and we will try to answer you ;)


I hope this helps,


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Welcome to the forum Ricquay! You're definitely doing the right thing by researching all you can before you make the leap to get a grey. Most of us on here just couldn't do without our birds- they really become a part of your family. Best of luck in your decision.

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