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Prodigal poster...Juji update


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Hey all,


Wow! It's been forever since I last posted. My laptop, my connection to the world outside the UP, has seen better days. Juji decided to permanently remove my 'x', 'z' and 'tab' keys...but that's not why I haven't posted. The power cord broke internally so...it's dead until further notice. Thankfully my hubby is a computer guru and set me up with one of our spare desktops...but I don't get on it very often.


Okay, enough whining!


Juj is doing great! She is learning more and more all the time. She's got the Andy Griffith song down and is working on the Life Goes On theme song. She says Uh oh and "What?" pretty clearly and is clearly working on others...she whispers all the time. She is also barking now...like our rat terrier... and can laugh like my husband so well that I asked him what was so funny when he was actually in the shower.


She loves to hang upside down and shows off her acrobatics daily. She is getting used to her feather tether, but is still biting it quite a bit if we are not moving.


We are going on a road trip to my dad's in northern MN on Thursday and my dad is totally psyched to meet the Juj. He breeds cockatiels and is trying to get me to take one of his babies home with me...my husband told him that Juj is enough bird for a long time. :) Maybe we will bring one home for my sister.


Hope all is well with all of you. :)



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Thanks Hannah for the update on Juji, she is becoming quite the character and I can relate to the copying of the laughter, Josey does me real good too.:laugh:


I second Tracy's suggestion of seeing some more pics of her, I bet she is a beaut to behold.:)

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