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Tyco update


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Last night before bed Tyco got very excited when I went over to tuck her in for the night she was holding on to her cage door that was only open about 6 inches and she was half in and half out of her cage just enough so I couldn't close her door to put her to bed. She was all puffed up like she was going into attack mode and bite but I've gotten very good at reading her body language and I knew she wasn't going to bite because she was only looking at me with one eye. So I said well whats with you you wanna play is that it?? and she kinda bobbed her head up and down for a second. so I gave I reached in and gave her a little beaky rub and said its not time to play its time for bed. She looked at me and gave her feathers a little shake and put her head way down and she let me give her a 5 minate neck scratch. I couldn't beleive it she has never let me touch her like that before. usually Its just a little 2 second finger scratch on the top of her head. Then this morning when she was chatting in her cage she said Ilove youuuuuu for the very first time. so cute.



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That's so wonderful! CONGRATS! I know exactly how you feel. Last night Woody begged for a head rub for about 10 minutes before bed and this morning He said "I love you!" I had just returned home from vacation being gone for a few days, I guess he appreciates me more now, huh? :P

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