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Power Drill


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With the home improvements, there comes the occasional need to run the power drill.

Klaus is now drilling away. LOL

He cracks me up. And makes the noise perfectly - I swear I catch myself going down the hall to see who's working on what...

So when I hear him doing that I just laugh and say, "Git 'er done, Klaus!"

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That is brilliant Laurie! Ask him to put up my shelves while he is at it :laugh:


I think its amazing the sounds that our greys can mimic! What other sounds can your birds do apart from the usual telephones and smoke alarms!


Beaker our caique does running water amazingly well!

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That to cute they really do know how to get things done around the house. :laugh: With the smoke alarm their just trying to make sure every one gets out safe they just wanna make sure they can make the sound perfectly just in case the real one doesn't work when its suppose to LOL What good birds they are protecting us so well.:S


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