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How do you make a grey stay on a playstand?


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When we 1st got Tuki, we bought a huge metal playstand, (about £200) and put loads of toys on it. She wouldn't stay on it though, she just wanted to get off it. She would never sit on the actual perch, she'd sit on the curved metal frame bit, looking really uncomfortable! Her bum would be hanging over the edge, so none of the poos went onto the tray, they all went on the floor. She used to climb down off the perch, slide down the metal side bars onto the tray, then slide down the legs onto the floor and bugger off an chew something around the house or bite someone's feet! We ended up dumping the stand as it was so huge and took up loads of space. I wish she would stay on a stand. I'd love to have her in the living room to watch telly with us when we sit down. I'm thinking I need a simple one maybe? I don't know! I know she needs her wings clipped as she's fully flighted and now I have my baby daughter, I'm worried she's gonna fly at her and land on her or something, and I don't know if she'd bite her. She's also flown into the window and french doors a couple of times as she thinks she can fly through the glass! I really don't want her to do herself damage. I feel I have a bit more control over her when her wings are clipped and I think she relies on me a bit more. She's not the frendliest bird! :unsure:

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I'm afraid there is no easy way to make a grey stay put on a playstand,it's a case of making the stand as appealing to your grey as you can,plenty of interesting toys,perhaps a foraging toy with a treat inside.Everytime your grey flys from the stand it's a case of returning her & giving her a command such as "stay" it takes time & patience & you may have to repeat the process over & over to get results.

As you know if she is out then you have to supervise her continually with your young daughter & for the glass you need to take her right up to it,tap on it so she can see its a solid item,you can hang something to distract her from flying into it,dreamcatcher etc, other than that then a simple piece of voile/net panel.

If clipping is the safest option for you just be sure you have a knowledgeable avian vet who knows what they are doing,so many greys receive bad wing clips far too often.

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Thank you. I have tapped on the glass before to show her, but she didn't quite get it! I have clipped her wings a couple of times before. The only mistake I made the 1st time was leaving a few of outer feathers on the wing. She got them stuck in the bars of her cage. :( We put Tuki back on her playstand all the time and she never stayed on it long. There were toys and food on it, but she'd rather go and terrorize the dogs, or bite someones feet, or chew my daughters pictures up! :P Oh well, I guess I'll be forever more scrubbing poo off the carpet etc etc!

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It took Klaus a good couple of months before he would willingly go on his stand. My personal theory is that the more you want them to do something, the more they resist! I learned to use reverse psych very early on in my relationship w/Klaus. When introducing a new toy for example, I'd casually toss it into the cage and walk away with an air of, "Play with it or not. I couldn't care less."

With his stand, it was in the room with him, so he saw it every day. It was next to his cage, so when he was out climbing around on the outside of his cage, he would naturally venture over there. I may have dropped a goodie such as a peanut or walnut into one of the treat cups to entice him further to go on it and stay on it. Eventually it got to be one of his favorite things; to go over there and empty the cups full of toys. Then watch Mom put them all back so we can play again! LOL

I'm sure the stand will work for you eventually - it just takes lots of time. I don't know of a grey who ever took to anything immediately.

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Tyco goes on her playstand when ever she wants to Idon't try to force anything on her and as a result she's not afraid of much I get her new toys all the time because she destroys them very quickly specialy foot toys her favorite. I get new ones for her every 2 weeks or so and throw them onto her playtop or play stand and she gets at them right away she tosses them and chews them shakes them what ever it takes to wreck them. she never is hesitent about any new toy. to hher a toy is a toy and it must die.



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Tuki does that with her bell and she flings it with all her might. When she 1st had her bell, she used to fling it and it would come back and hit her in the head! She's learned to duck now when it swings back! :laugh:

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Amber wrote:

Tuki does that with her bell and she flings it with all her might. When she 1st had her bell, she used to fling it and it would come back and hit her in the head! She's learned to duck now when it swings back! :laugh:



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