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Moulting or Plucking again?


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Hey guys,


I must be sounding really really like a paranoid twit right now - but I have another question! I rather ask it than worry about it ;-)


Zahzu is molting, however it sometimes looks like she's pulling out down feathers when she is preening - I'm worried she's starting to pluck again! I found one non-down feather in the bottom of her cage this morning, so I'm not sure!


Just thought I'd ask you guys, and maybe you could shed some more light on the issue and share ur opinions.


Thanks so much!

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When Greys moult, they also like to clear the "underbrush" (downies), so don't worry about seeing her remove those feathers (actually just part of a feather. But, for the fact that she did pluck before, keep and eye on her. If she starts getting bald spots, it's time to intervene again.


In the meantime, try using Bird Soother Spray or Aloe Vera cut with previously boiled water (50/50) to help alleviate the itchies that come with moulting.


Fingers and toes crossed. :)

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