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New Photo Contest Ends August 2nd (changed)


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This time we have a prize. Donated by our Shookyhurst.

Thank you so much hun.


Ok changing the theme since it seems to be to hard. How about Summer Fun. Safe outdoor pictures, wet birds, birds eating fresh from the garden veggies.....

That sort of thing. Well that be easier for you guys?




One entry per person.


You must have at least 50 post.


It does not have to be your bird but it does have to be your photo.


If you take outdoor picture only birds in a cage/screened in are or on a harness/leash well be accepted.



1st place get this size=300http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j268/Kolkri/contest%20photos/birdlover2.jpg[/img] and 20 karma.


2nd gets 10 karma.


And third gets 5 karma.


You get two karma just for entering.


I well accept pictures until August 2nd.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/07/17 12:35

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Mine comes with a story, hope you don't mind...


A couple weeks ago, my best friend of 29 years (I was 7, she was 6 when we met) came over and met Harrison for the first time. Harrison was chatting and playing around as if she'd known Kim (my friend) all her life. Normally she doesn't do that sort of thing in front of my friends. I told Kim this and we figured Harrison could sense my own comfort around Kim and felt she could be herself. That just melted Kim's heart...the woman who isn't a bird person. Well, she goes to this veggie/fruit stand every weekend and she got Harrison mango because she heard Harrison asking for it when she was here. So, I thought a great little thank you could be a picture of Harrison with a piece of Mango in her mouth and a "thought bubble" type thing and she could be saying "thank you...etc" So, last night I took some photos of her eating her mango and added the thought bubble..my entry is the one WITHOUT the thought bubble...I'm just showing you the one with the bubble just to show you.


My Entry



Just to show you her thought bubble


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Here is my entry. We have a screened in front porch and I hung one of Lyric's boings out there so he can sit out there and look at everything outside. So here is Lyric on the porch taking it all in... lyric077a.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2008/07/21 20:58


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